Article: Men


Men. 3 letters that forms the very annoying creatures God created from his own image. At least, that's what written in the bible and what's expected of us to believe in. It's sad how these creatures can ometimes be the death of us or the life. It depends. Books, articles, papers, magazines, news and all the other man made information resources have only potrayed men in a negative way, well most of the time. Perhaps, it is the truth. From Jaime's perspective, they are indeed selfish, ruthless, weird, and deveil-may-care spirit creatures that roam around mother Earth with an ultimate aim of nothing ness but self need/greed. If we venture through history, which ironically dominated by men, only a handful contributed to the good of the world but most to its destruction.
Take President Donald Trump for example. He built a large impenetrate-able wall at the Mexican border with a notion to prevent illegal  immigrants into his country, America (which isn't owned by any one but the indegenous people, the Indians, whom are considered minorities, isn't this extremely ironic and hillarious by the way?). It is as if there isn't enough hatred and conflicts created around the globe, this painful and unneccesary step is obviously not right in any given circumstances. Besides, how does one think of shutting out people just because they're separated by land, country, language, race, religion and cultures. Don't we all belong to the one same race, the human race afterall? The soil that we are standing on right now doesn't belong to us and neither is anything else on Earth. We aren't immrtal, saints or martyrs. Hitler needs no introduction so to speak as he spoke for himself through his actions. He killed millions of innocent people sparing no mercy. Describing her experience as a little girl survivng through the Holocaust, Anne Frank was least remembered.
           Well, Jaime thinks that it all burns down to one simple theory, men are egoistic, greedy, dysfunctional and pretty much a bunch of debauchees. These are qualities that turns out to hurt the most. How did she reach such a conclusion at only 25 years of age you may ask. See, coming from cultured tradiational Asian family background, it wasn't always easy being a girl, woman, lady, female or whatever the opposite sex of a male is called for that matters. All Jaime learned since she sucessfully pushed herself out of her mother's vagina in the wee afternoon of February 1993 was things like "sit down like a girl", "don't talk back" , "a girl should't show her temper" "dress like a decent girl" and her ultimate statement that she ever so dearly despises and couldn't understand till now is "don't whistle". Now, Jaime discerns that it is considered bad luck whistling at night in some cultures, especially hers, given the superstitious beliefs but how does making sounds by blowing wind through your windpipe considered ungirly or un-ladylike? Isn't it more of a skill? In fact, in reality, some people make a living out of it! It's only extremely exhausting for Jaime having to explain how it's normal, happy gesture to whistle and there's no harm in it, to her parents, relatives and her traditional-minded family members as a whole. She could clearly picture her mother's anguished expression on her mind if she ever decides to retaliate the very existing customs and conservatives they firmly hold.
          Another undeniable statement that every Asian family is much familiar of and also of which  Jaime greatly detests is "A girl should be married off as early as possible". Given that it is scientifically proven that child-bearing might be difficult at a later age, it doesn't imply that a woman should turn down her aspirations and dreams towards an optimistic future that she would like to build for herself.
Marriage is very much a necessity in a culturally rich families like Jaime but the ultimate  cliché question of "when are you getting married" seems to be a little exasperating at times. Arranged marriage is another sad story all together. See it's different to fall in love and marry someone than to marry someone and fall in love. Jaime couldn't perceive but wonder how one could accept tying the knot with someone you barely know, talked or met for that matters and then go on living under the same roof for the rest of their lifes. Sure, her parents done it before and so did the others in her family. In Jaime's vocabulary, it's just plain psychological torture basically. So, where does one turn to in times of despair? Sometimes, she wishes Darlene was her real blood born sister or at least a distant relative. The only thing that Jaime feels greatful for her parents was being in the same kindergarten as Darlene. They go way back, all through primary school and high school. Hallelujah to Darlene for keeping Jaime sane in such situations! 
           It's another distinct question all together when it comes to cooking though. In her house, it's as important for a lady to know how to cook as it is to know how to read. They surmise that when a woman is married off to a man, the very essential foundation to keeping a family together is through home cooked food. In Jaime's perspective, cooking is primarily a survival skill for an individual or for oneself and not just for maintaining a household. It is as important for a man to know how to cook than it is for a woman as it is in fact an expertise that displays dexterity and ability to take care of oneself. Additionally, it is the modern era of the 21st century where equality is thrived between men and women. So it isn't wrong or belittling for a man to cook for his wife after she comes home from work nor is it denigrating for a man to do the laundry or clean the house or looking after the children. For Jaime, a man who cooks and clean, is a man of principles and values. 
 Woman is capable of anything. Our persuasion builds endless power to build a better day for today and tomorrow. Amazing in every way, we're able to give birth to a new life and yet get back on our feet to earn a living while tolerating and showering love along the way. Like Beyonce sings in Run the World(Grils), "STRONG ENOUGH TO BARE THE CHILDREN, THEN GET BACK TO BUSINESS".    

