Movie Review: Little MIss Sunshine Movie

                                  Little Miss Sunshine Movie Review

I think Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris have made an awesome movie! Loved it from the beginning till the end..It's full of satire, hillariousness, sweet, love & most of all reality. It's so real of what ordinary people may face when hitting the crossroads, it's so real of how people feel & express themselves in their own special way. I mean from the depression & the result of depression of a genius, that's true and is what regular people face day to day, some who could handle them in their own way & some who break down losing it. It pictures the power people have on each other. If you're too bad, that's bad & if you're too good that's bad too. So the sensible thing is, bend. Don't break but carefully bend or it's what is called flexibility. I think this movie taught me a lesson on how you shoujld adjust yourself to the ife game & it's cirumstances and sometimes it makes me question whether being right & doin right thing all the time is the right thing to do? but I guess if you can do your damn best by giving all ya shots & luck to chase your goal, swerve when people & the environment wants the other way around, that goal can be reached.

Jessica John
