
In this new modern era, where robots and social media are slowly but surely taking over on how the planet Earth functions, we as part of the human species seem to somehow contribute towards the negative influences  & consequences of the pragmatic movement. Though modernization contributes towards positive outcomes like increased mortality rates through medicinal breakthroughs, expansion of information sharing among people, improved transportation systems and so on, it seems that the ones who created this revolution, none other than us, have somehow immersed ourselves too much into the technological advancement that it blinds us on the effects it has on the environment, rural living conditions, natural resources, climate and overall human well-being.
            As cliche as it may seem, the rivers are still contaminated with industrial wastes, open fires acre carried out to make space for high rise buildings and hotels and the Northern ice still continues to melt away. Yet, amidst these current happenings, civilization is another topic that we have yet to achieve given the fact that it's the 21st century. Government secrecy, private Federal Reserve Operation, legalized propaganda, Hollywood TV hypnosis, racial division and the social media trap are few of the crisis surrounding humanity but enough to contribute towards a major human phenomenon namely, war.      
