Trump-Kim Summit 2018

Well, it finally happened. The Trump-Kim Summit 2018 has been a historic and unbelievable major event that had taken place in our very own modern city of Singapore. So, is can we now hope for a better fearless future of the world and still have faith that all the issues that's happening globally would slowly be solved and there would be a happy ever after? Truth is, no one knows the answer, except for maybe Donald Trump and Kim Jung Un. Neither of us were in that special meeting and deals that were agreed and signed upon. Though the papers may have written things they think would have discussed about, we don't know, literally. Therefore, if anyone with the sensibility and dedication towards world peace and humanity ever did be part of the auspicious summit that took place few days ago at the Capella Hotel in Singapore, I think these would be some of the major issues that would be pointed out :

1. The use of Nuclear Energy (since North Korea is widely popular for it's nuclear weapon and nuclear what nots')
-Instead of fully agreeing to the deal for denuclearisation, they could support the positive use for the precious nuclear energy for better plant mutation breeding that tremendously contributes to a large yield of produce in a shorter period of time for a large number of people (we're talking miliion here!). For example, in Bangladesh, there are an uncontrollable sum of people, excluding refugees who are consumers and need basic food like rice for their daily life. Plant mutation breeding is agronomical and provides the ground for tried and tested methods of planting and growing better and improved variant of plantlets than the normal plantlets without mutation breeding.

2. The nuclear energy in the form of isotopes can be used for the Sterilised Insects Technique or the SIT method where insects such as mosquitoes, worms, moths, fruit flies etc. would be grown in a sterile environment from open hatching where they're released into the crops, but these insects are unable to multiple though mating still can take place. This not only reduces the use of harmful insecticides that are currently practiced, but it promotes healthy guts as these insects are proved to be beneficial organisms to humans.

3. The use of Nuclear energy  in Food industry where radiation therapy is used to prevent early ripening and early spillage of food. Instead, food can be kept for a longer period of time.

4. A peaceful negotiation to solve the refugee crisis among the Rohingya ethnic groups that are displaces for years and fleeing to nearby counterparts such as Myanmar have had major negative impacts amongst the people, especially the women and children as prostitution, rape and human trafficking are some of the brutal torture the Rohingyans are goin through.

5. A peace treaty to stop the current war in the Middle East and negotiate a peaceful treaty among Middle East Counterparts and tackle what the United Nations are facing, primarily with overflowing refugee crisis

6. Discuss ways to reduce poverty and forces child labour in the world, especially in the Africa  continent as research study shows Africa has the highest rate for child labours.

7. Fight the use of plastic worldwide or first, in their home country, the United States of America and North Korea.

There. If we ever hope for somethin, least one of the topics should have been discussed in the summit. If not, let's all just start praying.

Jessica John
