Poetry: Hope you Remember

                                             One Night                        

It was beautiful that night,
just you and me,
so unexpected yet you swept me off my feet, literally,
with your arms around me,
and kisses that had glued to my skin so deep,
hard to forget,
not that I want to but just had to, now

You were the first,

Do you even remember that night,
that red rose you handed me,
as you kneeled down right infront of me,
'let's take it slow babe'
with your warm hug and deep voice you said,
trying my best to ignore that,
though I knew what it meant

Guess I wasn't ready,
to get hurt and walk that path again,
I told you so didn't I,
but still you said ''we can try''

I wanted to believe that,
to hold on to those words,
though I am sure I heard,
"this isn't going to work"
at the back of my mind,
as if the angels were whispering to me,
to brace my heart if I did still choose you

I did,
So did you,
For a while it was,
A feeling so amazing,
I had you or what's that called,
yes, an amazing 'relationship'

I had to makesure not to let go of my heart full,
A piece of my mind says take the risk,
another in my heart whispers run,
I was always bad at making choices,
or perhaps I already knew the answer,
yet still I clinged on,
to you,

Maybe it was silly of me,
that I believed we could have been so much more,
a fool to my own heart,
wasting my tears away,
playing that same song over and over again,
trying to understand what it meant,

you were perfect to me,
if that's what you didn't see,
funny and witty,
smart and happy,
but most of all,
you make me smile,
a lot,
whether its your texts or calls or videos,
or maybe you being just you,
I love you
There you go, in case you hadn't noticed

I could sleep at night,
If that even worries you,
but my heart is tired,
and my mind is aching,
was I being used,
for your greed,
or we're just lost stars,
just scared to be lonely,

I miss you
