Poetry: Humour; Annoyance of St Nobody


                                           Annoyance of St Nobody

Was late to bed last night,
had some shots and now my head feels tight,
"Where's my boyfriend" I pleaded maybe cried,
"Oh, he's at the car's backseat"
"Still alive hadn't died",

7:45 A.M,
"You're late for work",
Oh come on, it's not like my first but more like my third,
Looking at the burnt toast I could only smirk,
"Stop staring and start eating you jerk"
Said Julia my roomate as she poured the milk,

Still 7:45 A.M,
Sitting across the table I saw,
Something sad yet painfully raw,
My shoe bitten and strewn by the door,
Obviously by those evil claw and paw,
Laying majestically on the kitchen floor,
Waiting for food to be served not less but more,
God, why is this thing still alive for,
I hate its fur and all of it to the core,
Alas, but it's my boyfriend's favourite whore

8:00 A.M,
Sipping that last sip of coffee,
And obviously not at all ready,
I suddenly felt like I wanted to pee,
And the toilet was where I had to be,
It was number one not number two I guarantee,
God forbid I didn't forget my car key,
Realized I lost it, as I pulled up my panty,

8:15 A.M,
Kept deciding on which story,
To choose for my deep not so sincere apology,
Since I'm going to be late indefinitely,
Not going to regret about this nor worry,
Maybe almost got hit by the lorry,
Would just be the perfect theory,
For my masterplan of timeless conspiracy,
Since I'm not a saint nor Virgin Mary,

8:30 A.M,
Mixed aroma of undeodorized scents,
Linger in the air so thick a little dense,
'I miss my car' I thought slightly tensed,
Across the crowded cabin I steadily glanced,
And saw an uncle digging his nose, taking his chance,
"2 more stations, 2 more stations" I prayed my chants,
The creepy little lady in front kept staring, I think she might be tranced,
Sliding my hands into my pocket pants,
I desperately tried to maintain a firm stance,

8:45 A.M,
I swear I heard the angels sing,
and tiny little birds on the trees also chirping,
As the door finally opened wide upswing,
Like a free dove I spread my invisible little wings,
Wouldn't trade this even for my boyfriend or anything,
"Goodbye suckers" I stood there waving,
Not literally but definitely in my mind imagining,

9:00 A.M,
Walking through the subway isn't a child's play,
You'll need agility and flexibility all in a day,
To glide past old people blocking your way,
And underground musicians that you'll have to pay,
Annoyingly frustrating I have nothing more to say,
Oh how I wish I was in Mars right now if I may,

9:20 A.M,
"You're late",
Yes Amy just shut up and keep eating that fifth slice of cake,
You obviously stole from the fridge and that you didn't make,
Of course I didn't say that out loud for Christ's sake,
I just sincerely hope she chokes on her tonight's date,

11.30 A.M,
It's still morning about half past eleven,
Years away till I'm back in heaven,
Stuck here for now swallowed in mere depression,
The stack of papers beside staring back unopened,
'Have some mercy you know I'm hungry and broken',
I talked to the stack hoping it would listen,
Clearly it wasn't a good impression,
Neither to the stack of papers or my manager Helen,

1:00 P.M,
Oh shit he's walking right towards me,
"Calm you tits Jess it's only Terry",
Just the most attractive looking killer bee,
And the only kindest fish in the sea,
Of sharks and smelly tunas in this so called office irony,
Maintaining my cool so he can see me,
Oh wait, he's waving at 'plastic' Jenny,
And now I'm second guessing his heterosexuality,

6:00 P.M finally striked, God Yes!
I'm dying to get far away from this man made mess,
That costed me nothing but unexplainable stress,
Without hesitating or making a second guess,
I ringed Julia for a night out fest,
Now, I know she was a bitch this morning, an amusing pest ,
Who can be brutally honest sometimes but she's the best of the best,
We got into our cute little accessories and tight little dress,
Headed out for the night finding rest in the arms of alcohols's caress
