Short Story: Chapter 1 of Strangers in Love

                                                                   First Date
                                       by Jessica John Posko

Well, all Jaime can say is the judges were too oldy. Maybe they wanted something a little karaoke 'ish more so like the Chinese Opera. Her guess is probably right given their age ranging from the mid 30's till 60's. She swears the girl after her nailed the Beyonce song to the core. She'd never seen anyone sing so powerfully in an audition before. Honestly, it's a Queen B song and anyone who nails it deserves a standing ovation. Just in case you were guessing, it was Stand up for Love. Jaime sang 'Someone Like you' by Adele and it was good, at least to her. There were some pretty fierce   competitors amongst the 25 that auditioned. But alas, the only top 3 places went to 3 middle aged women who sang somewhat socially acceptable when one of them sang Titanium in their nasal voice and that's a 'Golden Buzzer' to the judges.

      Anyways, least Jaime made a new friend besides seeing one of her colleague and the Sister in charge from the anaesthetist unit. It was super sweet to see the Sister herself was there to support her staff. That staff was a colleague of hers. Jaime remembers meeting her the first time on one of her medical nursing attachments at the general hospital. That's how she came to know her and its such a coincidence that she was posted to the operating theatres after her graduation. She sang Faith Hill's : 'There you'll be' and it was nice, was a little surprised that she had a nick for music.

         While Jaime was done with her audition, she decided to stay back till the whole show was done just beacaue it was her day off and she would like to see how the others sang. Her phone in her back pocket beeped and she saw that it was yet another message from some random guy she had met online. Truth is, she didn't like to be on an online dating application. Unfortunately, Jaime lost her bet to her friends where lost to a game of hitting ping pong balls. Best part is, she had to do it after two shots. Being a non-drinker, she only made two hits instead of five. So the deal was, she had to date three guys as a result of losing. Ever since joining the application, Jaime had received numerous messages from unknown men. She has been on a few dates before but nothing too serious for a real relationship. She stayed good friends with a few of them, learning new experiences and discovering new eateries(which was a plus point!). "Hey, wanna watch a movie tonight, treats on me" read Gavin's
text. Undecided, Jaime turns off her screen and continue to watch the other singers take on the stage. Her eyes were locked to the show on the stage but in her mind she was considering in whether or not to meet this random guy. Without hesitating, she switched on her screen and texted back "Oh fuck it, let's go then, I'm praying to the Gods on this, knowing I won't be able to sleep for another month after watching this horror movie, I would still like to know what's all the hype about it since my friends are all raving on The Nun". "Great, 2 tickets for a 9.30pm show at Cathay's? Will that be okay with you? Where do you stay? Do you want me to book a theatre that's closer to your house so that it'll be easier for you to get back home safe?" replied Gavin. Jaime never felt so touched before. He cared and that made her smile without her even realising it."That would be perfect" replied Jaime. "It's funny how I am just gonna meet someone that I barely know. Hope you're not some ex-convict or somethin" replied Jaime. Gavin texted back "Well, life is always full of surprises". For a moment, Jaime thought of all the possible thing he could be. Could he be some kind of a secret spy? Or working for some gang groups that lures girls into his trap? Or maybe just someone who's just tryna make a joke out of it? A little fear starts to take over her but she couldn't be bothered and swears by 'You Only Live Once' motto in life. Besides, Jaime has always been an adventurous girl since she was child, wanting to go out and try on different things and do everything she can get hold off.

       Well, since Jaime decided to meet Gavin for the first time, she wanted to put a twist on to this first blind date. She wrote she know Sign Language on her profile details in the dating app as she is learning the language. So, just to spice things up a little bit, she decided to act deaf and mute when
she meets this guy. It would the perfect thing to do, seeing him handle a deaf and mute girl on a blind date and all Jaime needs to do is to not talk and watch the drama unfold.

    " Have you reached " texted Jaime. "Yeah, waiting at the cinema entrance" he replied. She walked out of souvenir shop and headed towards the cinema. "What r ya wearing" Jaime asked. "A yellow - blue t-shirt and jeans". As she turned, there he was, standing in front of the ticket machine, holding a green jacket and looking down to his phone. He looked up and saw Jaime, she waved back with a smile. Gavin just stared for a close 5 seconds, then gave a huge grin. As she walked towards him, Gavin was typed something on his phone, then turned off his screen and slid his phone into his right pocket. "Hi Jessica" he said. Jaime just smiled not saying a word, sticking faithful to the act she was putting. "Nice to meet you, I'm Gavin". Jaime smiled back again nodding in approval. "Have you eaten? " he asked. Jaime just made weird signs to let him know she had something on the way and Gavin just starred back with his clueless expression. Jaime wanted to burst out laughing but maintained her act as she would definitely love to see how he handled this awkward situation. "Oh, you're erm.... You can't...." stammered Gavin. Jaime nodded, signing that she is deaf and mute. Gavin looked down to the floor for a second giving a blank stare and Jaime read his face as if she can hear his inner monologue that's saying almost like he's thinking " oh oh, she can't talk, like wow come on". At that point, Jaime wanted to laugh out so loud just looking at his reaction. "Oh okay, erm, so, I've got the tickets" pointing to this phone screen. "How do we get in? " he said. Jaime looked around and pointed towards the information counter right in front. They had their tickets checked and they were ready to go in. "Here, thought you might feel cold inside" said Gavin as he handed over his green jacket. Jaime was so touched as it was the first time ever that any guy had ever thought about a person they're going on a date with, at least for Jaime. "Thank you" Jaime signed back.

        They made their way to the escalator and Gavin led the way. As they were going up, Gavin turned to Jaime standing at the back of him, and he was just looking at her straight into her eyes. Jaime was wondering why on earth did he just turned and looked at her that way? Could it be that he just felt that sense of pity or that he was just sorry she was deaf and mute? "I haven't been back home here for a pretty long time and so I'm still getting used to the local cinema and how it works" said Gavin. Jaime nodded and smiled, again, giving her best act. As they were joining the que, Jaime felt how uncomfortable Gavin felt as the silence was a little awkward. 'I usually travel most of the time so this weekend is the only weekend I'm free" Gavin said, breaking the awkward silence . "Plus, it's my birthday this weekend and so I thoght of spending some quality time at home with my family and friends before flying to Vietnam for a month, somewhere end of this year" continued Gavin. Jaime was impressed for a bit knowing how incredibly sweet it was of him to fly back home just to be with his family. Besides, travelling is
something Jaime would do literally anything for as she loves it so dearly. Needless to say, Jaime thought of all the extreme lengths she'd taken just to get days off from work for travelling. "If only he knew the cheeky antiques of mine" Jaime smiled as she thought to herself. As they were having an interesting conversation, Gavin realised something. "I think we are standing at the wrong queue, I've already bought the popcorn and drinks online so I think our lane is over there" pointing towards the queue right opposite. Jaime strutted behind Gavin. "What drink do you wanna get" asked Gavin. Jaime signed "water". "Nah, come on you're not gonna have just water, why not have some juice or soda" Gavin compelled. Jaime thought for a second then pointed to the Coca-Cola machine. "Alright then, can I have a Coke for the lady and 1 Sprite for me, thank you" ordered Gavin.

       They walked in to their theatre and on to their seats. There were few advertisements being played before the movie starts and then an insurance advertisement was playing. Gavin's eyes were locked to
the big screen as Jaime typed on her phone "You travel so often, what do you do" and showed it to him. He looked down and then went "erm, yeah..." and looked back at the screen. "Sorry Jaime, just give me a minute, wanna watch what this is all about". Jaime sat there thinking how very much alike he is to herself. She remembers how she would ignore everything that's happening around when an interesting thing pops up on a television. She believes that every advertisement and short pop ups on screen are important to be noticed on how creative and fun a person behind the scene is to build a short story that attracts and touches the viewers. Her family and friends knows here too well. Jaime gave a little smile when she saw him watching it so intensely. "Sorry, that was a good father - son relationship shown there, first time seeing this ad" explained Gavin. Jaime just smiled knowing she had watched that as countless of times before on local television. " Oh well, before that, what do you do" typed Gavin. Jamie gave a thought about revealing her job for a moment as it would be ridiculous for an operating theatre nurse to be deaf and mute. However, Jaime didn't bother much and just wondered how he would react to it so she typed "Operating Theatre Nurse ". Gavin stared back at her and typed "WOW!!! THAT'S AMAZING!". At that point, she really thought he would find out and they're gonna laugh about it so hard once he learns the truth. However, he didn't ask a word. He asked if Jaime had been to the burns unit because he was once a paramedic and often
visited the burns unit at the General hospital with various cases. Jaime nodded and he smiled with an awe on his face. "Well then, you must have had a hell lotta' experience with supernatural stuff sneaking around the hospital" said Gavin. "I've seen quite so much myself, especially in Indonesia. They believe in this thing they call 'jampi'". For a moment, Jaime just gave a blank stare right into Gavins' eyes, as she had never seen one with her naked eye before.  "Are you a Christian" Gavin asked. Jaime nodded. "Then this movie must be totally against your Bible, you don't mind do ya" he asked again. Jaime just shrugged her shoulders. In her mind, she was laughing about it thinking all the other cheeky things she had done much worse. ''Bet mom would be freaking out if she'd knew' Jaime thought.

         The lights dimmed and the curtains roll away as the movie was about to begin. "Here we go, let me know if it gets too scary" Gavin whispered to Jamie's ear.  "I'll hide behind the popcorn with you" he said with a smile. Jaime shook her head and rolled her eyes a little, popping a cute smile. It was cold in the cinema theatre and so Jaime covered herself up with Gavin's jacket. "Getting all cozy there huh" Gavin said as he smiled. Jaime smlied back and sunk back into her seat getting into a
comfy position. The movie was filled with countless of jump-scare scenes and Jaime swore that if there was just one more of it, she's going to have to close her eyes all through the movie. The both of them were watching the movie so intensely as the movie reached its climax scene. All of a sudden, "Aaah, oh my god, she looks scary!" shrieked Jaime as she jumped out of her seat spilling popcorn all over her. "Oh my God, yeah that was shit scary" replied Gavin. "Hey, you just spoke" said Gavin in shock as he starred back at Jaime. "Oops!" said Jaime as she covered her mouth with her hands. "Damn it" Jaime whispered to herself. "It's a miracle!" said Jaime with her eyebrow raised and shoulders shrugged. Gavin couldn't stop giggling as he looked at Jaime. "That was fast" said Gavin  "Oh, here comes the best part" he said as turned back to the screen. Jaime looked at the screen and leaned back to her seat feeling so embrrassed. "What did he mean by fast, could it be that he already knew" Jaime thought as she watched the climax scene. "I gave you one job Jaime Elizabeth Ann and you flunked it, facepalm!" thought Jaime as she turned her eyes to the big screen. She knew she could have held on to her act longer than this.

            The lights were on and the curtains rolled back in. "Well, I bet there's gonna be part 2 coming out, indefinitely!" said Gavin as he grinned. "Yeah, I totaly think so too, I mean her soul escaped and it's related to Conjuring so yup, another exorcism in 2020 perhaps"giggled Jaime. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the movie Jaime" said Gavin. "You have a sweet voice though, it's truly a miracle how The Nun helped you get your voice back, Amen!" Gavin jokingly teased. Jaime looked down in embarrassment and looked back at Gavin. "I was trying me best to hold on to it till our date night ends but I guess I'm just a really bad actress" replied Jaime. "Nah, I thought you were great, you held it all together for, say close to 2 hours, not bad, not bad at all" said Gavin as he laughed. "It was fun while it lasted though" claimed Jaime. "It was actually, was a little dissapointed to be honest cuz I was a little excited to be dating a deaf and mute girl, never dated one before, bummer!" Gavin jokingly replied. Jaime hit Gavin's arms in amusement and laughed back "You're annoying already" she said. "Why thank you little miracle worker, I'll take that as compliment" said Gavin. The theatre was empty as people were exiting, except for these two. As they were talking, Gavin stroked Jaime's hand and kissed it saying "Thank you for tonight Jaime, you're a great horror movie buddy ya know that. Maybe a 'not so good' one as a deaf and mute but really, thanks". Jaime was pulled aback by his gesture. See, coming from a culturally enriched family, touching the opposite sex was a little
smiled back. Never in her life has she met someone super sweet that, in the corner of her mind, she reminded herself that it's only their first date and there's so much more she needed to know about this man.
              They walked up towards the 'Exit' sign and made their way down the escalator. "Thank you for the tickets and the popcorns Gavin" said Jaime feeling guilty as ever for not chipping in."Oh, no worries at all Jaime, I'm glad we meet and you had a good time" replied Gavin with a smile as heVirgin Vitamins" said Gavin. Jaime waved at the waitress and made the order. "Oh look, they have promotions for beer tonight" Gavin pointed at the brochure. "Gosh, sorry I hate beers, I could place an order if you want" said Jaime. "Oh, I don't drink actually" said Gavin. Jaime was surprised for a second. She thought he's just being modest, when he actually drinks and so she wasn't buying it. "Yeah right, every guy on planet Earth drinks Gavin, you don't have to hide it" said Jaime with a little laugh. Gavin gave a serious expression on his face as he stared back at Jaime "no really, I don't. I don't find it nice on the throat, it's bitter'ry" explained Gavin. Staring right back at Gavin, Jaime was caught off guard as she too renounce the awful bitter tastes of alcohol in her mouth. She was really bewildered that such a man does exist. Still, at the corner of her mind, she believes he's just faking it although his expression seemed serious. Jaime brushed her presumptions off, contemplating to herself "I'm probably just over-thinking".
pops a popcorn into his mouth. "Well, the least I could do is buy you a drink, then we're even" Jaime mentions. "You sure? Aren't you tired after work? Plus, it's late and the only restaurant thats open at this hour would be the bars alongside the river acroos the other side'. Is that alright? Or we could have something somewhere nearby your house if that's better for you" Gavin suggested. "Nah, there aren't any nice ones around my neighbourhood, perhaps we could just grab a drink over there"said Jaime pointing towards the opposite direction. They both walked along the bars outside the mall and decided at Brotzeit'. "What do you feel like having, drinks or snacks? Are you hungry?"asks Jaime. "I'm good with anything really, oh I'll grab the menu" said Gavin as he picks up the menu. "Good evening miss, what would you like to have tonight?" said Gavin jokingly holding the menu. Jaime giggled at his mischevious act. "Well, I'd like to have a Mojito thank you very much" replied Jaime with a laugh. "Alright, one mojito coming right up for the beautiful lady" said Gavin as he took his seat. "Oh, what do they have here" exclaimed Gavin as he reads the menu. "What are you having?" Gavin asks. "I'm probably going for a mocktail, not really that hungry" said Jaime. "Oh okay then, I'll have the same, maybe a

         "When I was travelling, few years back, in Thailand, I got real drunk after just 2 sips of Vodka and that was the death of me" laughed Gavin as he said. Jaime broke loose of her thoughts and asks "Why, what happened?". Gavin put his drink down and said with a loud laugh "I was groped by 2 trangender women outside the bar while I was walking back to my motel". Appalled by his response, they were both laughing out loud.  "Oh my God, how did you even make it to the motel?" enquired Jaime. "Well, I was lucky enough that my motel roomie, another solo traveller himself, was
coincidently there as well on that Friday night and so he helped me get back safely to my bed. An awesome guy he was, we're still in touch with each other and still laugh about it everytime we talk about it" told Gavin. "Oh my God, you're hillarious!" exclaimed Jaime in delight. Gavin gave a huge wide grin on his tamed, bearded face, that somewhat seems too handsome too resist. "Do you drink often? " asked Gavin. "No actually. I don't really like the taste of alcohol per se. My friends first introduced me to the world of alcohol because they just love drinking and so only when I'm out with them I'd drink " Jaime explained. "So your friends broke your alcohologinity huh" Gavin smirked.  With a giggle, Jaime replied "Well, I guess so, yes, if you put it that way".

                  It was rather mellow, yet a calm breezy night that Friday and all Jaime remembered feeling was how peaceful and comfortable she was just sparking spontaneous conversations with this handsome stranger. " What do you like to do on your free time" he asked. "Well, I love to sing, write and volunteer most of my free time". "That's noble. What do you volunteer as". "Oh, I volunteer as a nurse with the Red Cross, doing international medical mission trips and local health projects". Gavin gazed at her in amazement. "Wow, that's incredible. Where have you been so far". Jaime humbly smiled "Not too many, as my annual leave per year isn't enough to do frequent trips but so far it has been Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh"  It is by any means indescribeable the way he looked at her that night or at least Jaime comprehends it as a somewhat proud expression of her good deeds. "Stunning really. You know, speaking of medical line, I was once a paramedic" he added. "Besides being in the Medic team during my National Service years, which were the best two years of my life really". Flinging out his tough manly arms he said "Its so hard to get a venous access around here" pointing to his brachial artery, "So I remember we used to stab our frenemies with 19 gauge needles just cause we can" chuckling away. Jaime bursted out laughing at his cheekiness. Deep down, it was fun talking about drips and needles with someone who is not a nurse for once. Plus, Jaime found it to be a very attractive of a man to hold an interesting conversation about medical knowledge. It not only proves that he's got the looks but brains too.

                      "Is nursing your passion" Gavin asked as he took a sip of his cup. "Yeah, it is. I've always dreamt about being a medically trained professional someday so being an operating tehatre nurse is amazing for me" replied Jaime. It was quite heartwarming the way he looked at her oppsotied the table with the glass in his hand. "That is amazing, you're pursuing what you love and that's truly great unlike me, who's still trying to figure out what I want o do next" Gavin said as he leaned back to his seat with his arms behind his head. "What do you do?" asked Jaime curiously. "I'm an aviation engineer, I work with the Rolls-Royce company". "So you build airplanes?" she asked. "Yeah, more
like repairing them, making sure they're ready for take offs". Honestly, Jaime was a little impressed having to meet someone who works in another field apart from healthcare and being in the aviation industry is cool. Besides, a man who's holding a screwdriver, working his sweaty body away, is sort of a little too sexy to imagine. "That's amazing!" Jaime shrieked. "Not really, I seriously am not quite sure how I did pass through graduation, though I was from the reputable Nanyang Technological University,  it was mostly my dad's and mom's pestering making sure that I made something or someone out of myself" Gavin sighed. "It doesn't matter, you did it anyways and now you're good at somethign which is great, applauds" said Jaime as she cheekily gave a little clap. Gavin smiled, broadly as he looked at her. It was a beautiful night, with the moon shinig so brightly as if it's reflecting all its shine towards where Gavin and Jaime were seated and the cool breeze that swiftly brushes along the river made it all nothing but perfect. "Hey, you wanna sit down by the river over there" asked Gavin. "Yeah, sure" Jaime agreed. They grabbed their drinks and bags and sat down on a bench along the riverside. The river view with the bordering boats which are brightly lighted up and the backdrop of the magnificent Marina Bay city landscape was truly breathtaking. Caught by the beauty and all its awe, Jaime whispered to herself  "This is so peaceful". "Yeah, yes it definitely is" Gavin smiled as he replied. "You love quiet and calm places?" Gavin asked. Jaime giggled "Well, working in a super stressful environment where I'm always up and about running and managing things, sometimes a quiet and calm place is all you need to refuel don't you think so".  "Absolutely" Gavin said. "From where I come from, ther are a lot of such places around my block, especially around the reservoir". "Oh, really, where do you stay" Jaime enquired. "Dover, there's a huge big ass reservoir over there and it's sort of like my go to place to chill out most of the time, I culd take you  there sometimes if you'd like to" he explained. "Oh, yes, I remember. I used to live around Dover
Crescent years back during my nursing college days, I used to love the reservoir too, it's super breezy and calming that place" exclaimed Jaime. "Wow, what, you used to live there! It must've been my bad luck to not have met you then, we could have hung out" Gavin said. Jaime smiled. Though it was a little bit over the top since they've just barely getting to know each other, Jaime shrugged it off. "So where are you staying at now" Gavin asked. "Downtown". Jaime glanced over and noticed his cocktail drink is left untouched. "Does it taste that bad" she asked looking at the glass with a little laugh. "Oh, I'm just taking it slow. Not a big fan of alcohol so yeah" said Gavin with a cynical laugh.
"I love drinking Bhang though, it tastes kinda alright" he said. "What's Bhang" Jaime asked. "Oh you've not heard of Bhang before, it something like alcohol that makes you high but it isn't alcohol, it's a cannabis infused drink that they drink during Holi festival in  Punjab India, travelled there for a visit" Gavin explained. "Wow, that's interesting, how did it taste like though". "It's tastes something like lassi but a slightly bitter, it's quite strong, makes you real high  and I think you'd like it to".  "Yeah I would love to try them someday, when I travel around India. The closest thing I came across to becoming high other than alcohol would be shisha. It's a must thing to do with my friends whenever I travel back to my hometown in Malaysia and I kinda miss it too. It has been a long time" Jaime explained. "They used to have it here too, till they banned it, it's lifeless here really". "Nah, its not that bad if you think about it, it's good in a way that the people are healthier with a healthy pair of lungs" Jaime added on. "Yeah, that's true in a way" Gavin agreed.

           It was silent for a while, with only the music from the pub playing in the background. Jaime enjoyed the moment, afterall, what's better than a good music, good view and a glass of cocktail. "So what are your future plans besides work" Gavin broke the silence. "Well, I have a lot that I want to do. Travelling would be the first thing I would want to do, pick up some new skills like coding or learningthe guitar and maybe take up my Masters of Nursing in a good university someday" Jaime said. "That's some really good thinking, what are you waiting for then go for it" Gavin said. "I don't know, I really want to do my Masters somewhere far away, alone, although I do love my family and everything, I feel like I have to experience living alone and independant in a foreign country meeting new people and learning new things, so yeah, I'm still deciding" explained Jaime. "I know right, it's amazing to be on your own, learning new cultures, meeting people. I was in Switzerland for my internship and it was really fun living with an adopted family and making new friends" Gavin exclaimed. "That would have really been an awesome experience" Jaime said.
"It was indeed. I understand, I mean it's better if you finished your Masters before marriage so you'll be able to focus on other important agendas in life that you would want to do". "Ooh, look who's giving life advices" Jaime commented jokingly. "Hey, I'm just saying, it's what I think" Gavin explained. "Yes, you're right Gavin, I really have to think about it, procrastinating something that you really want to do is bad, thank you though" Jaime said gulping down her drink.

              As they were enjoying each other's company in the tranquility of the night, Gavin stood up and walked towards the river, leaning on his back on the railings and looked at Jaime with his arms open, signalling Jaime to come over. Jaime rolled her eyes and quirkily smiled as she sips her
cocktail. Gavin walked to her, took her glass and put it onto the bench. he took her hands and walked her forward towards the river view. As Jaime inched towards him, he raised her hand and she twirled, dancing to his movement as she giggled. He pulled her closer to his chest and his arms were wrapped around her waist as he looked into her eyes. This was the first time in her life that someone ever held her that way. Jaime felt uncomfortable but she didn't say a word. "This is moving too fast" she thought to herself as she stared back at Gavin. She could feel his breath against her and his lips inching forward to meet hers. Blood rushed to her cheeks as he almost kissed her supple lips. "No, let's take it slow" Jaime said as she moves her face away to the side. Gavin loosen his grasp as Jaime moved to his side and he looked down disheartened. Deep down, Jaime was a little terrified. She has never been kissed before and wondered if she should tell him. "What if he thinks I'm an amateur" she asked herself. There was a quiet 5 seconds between them, which felt a little awkward. Staring into the riverside view, Jaime could see the Marina Bay Sands building and remembered how she that used to be working there. "I was working as a waitress once right up there on the Skyrise"said Jaime as she pointed towards the magnificently lighted building on the opposited end of the riverbank. Gavin turned around and said "wow, you used to be a waitress". Jaime giggled. "Yeah silly, it wasn't all that but I needed the some extra cash during nursing college so it was nothing really, except  probably a good experience" she said with a smile. "Dang, you would have been one sexy waitress and if only I knew you were working up there" he said as he looked at her. At this point, Jaime knew Gavin was all out flirting madly but she knew she shouldn't be rushing into conclusions just yet."Oh no honey, it was like a super tiring job and I remember once I was very and I mean extremely sick but I had to make it to work after class and it was so horrible. I literally cried so bad and my manager was shouting at me as he needed waitresses to carry out the dishes down to the customers". Gavin kept his eyes locked to her admiring, as she continues to talk. " So at that point I just couldn't handle the pressure and I went finding for my friend who was assigned to the other tables at the front. She took me into the back of the kitchen and tried to pacify me but I was just crying uncontrollably till this huge man with a moustache wearing all white and a chef's hat came up to me and he took my hand" Jaime described as she roleplayed the scene and took Gavin's hand. "He took my hand like this, and placed 4 grains of rice describing each grain as love, pain, life and happiness and said something in Italian before he was attending to a customer. He was the Head Chef Gavin!" Jaime bursted oout laughing at her own foolishness when she was a student. Gavin smiled widely back at her. "This almost sounds like one of the scenes in a movie" he smirked. "I know right, I thought so too at that moment in the restaurant, it was surreal cause I've never had someone said or did anything to me like that before, it was deep and  I truly appreciated it" said Jaime. Just as they were laughing about it, a tall and bulky figure clad in all black and green vest approached up to them. "I'm so sorry, but the pier would be closing down soon, just to let you guys know, cool" he said with a thumbs up as he walks away. "That perhaps
would be the world's coolest security guard ever, I love people like that, they just emit cool vibes ya know" Jaime claimed. "Yeah, totally" he agreed. The cool meandering breeze made the night calm and the two stood enjoying their company. "Sounds like you've experienced quite something during college huh, that's great Jaime" Gavin complimented. "It was nothing really. I literally broke my back carrying those heavy trays of food to tables amongst the crowd, as much as I miss college, I'd say I'm happy I experienced that, it taught me to be independent in a way I shall say". It was indeed. Jaime always strived to not depend on anyone. "I vividly remember opening up an account at the bank just to cash in my thrifty pay I earned waiting on tables so that I could buy Christmas presents for my cousins during the holidays, I love surprising them" she continued. Gavin smiled. "Sorry, excuse me, this side is closed, you will have to leave now" said the short, dusky security officer who walked up to them. "I understand, can you just give us a minute we'll be leaving soon" said Gavin. "No, I don't think that's a good idea, I'll have to makesure this side is all cleared up" the officer replied. "Are kidding me, for real, that's not okay" said Gavin with a rather angry undertone. Alerted that this might escalate into something unprecedented, Jaime interfered "it's alright, we'll be leaving now". She grabbed his hand and ushered him towards the bench. "It's okay Gavin, just leave it" she whispered to his ears. They grabbed their drinks and jacket and walked down towards the taxi stand. "But we were having a good time, someone just has to ruin it" he sighed. "There'll always be a next time, chill, no biggy" Jaime giggled as she said. "Really, there would" asked Gavin. "Yeah, maybe, I mean why not" she replied. Gavin gave a big smile as he put a hand on her back and lead the way to the taxi stand. 

          The line for the taxi service was rather long as they joined the queue. "Shall we just take Grab" Gavin asked. Actually, Jaime didn't feel comfortable for him to accompany her back home. She'd rather get to know him well enough first before letting him know where she resides. Besides, it is the first time ever in Jaime's life that a guy is accompanying her back home. Living with her parents has always had its ups and downs. So, if ever her mom or dad caught her with a boy right at the doorstep, it's definitely social suicide for Jaime. That was the main reason why she never did brought anyone back home or let them know where she lives. However, Gavin was different. "I should stop navel-gazing, he's different" she thought to herself. Looking at Jaime blankly staring at her blank phone screen, Gavin put down his phone for a minute and interrupted. "Are you alright". Jaime smiled and noded her head. "So what's your address for me to key in here" pointing to the screen on his phone. Jaime was silent for a brief moment, undecided if this is is a good idea. "Redwood Lane 77". "Okay, all set, I'll send you off first before booking mine and our driver would be here in around 10 minutes" he said checking his phone. Sitting on the side rails with her legs rested on the opposite side where Gavin was standing, Jaime turned her phone on. "Oh gosh, 5 missed calls from mom" she murmured to herself. Replying to all her texts after switching on her mobile data was daunting. "Oh, look you've got a popcorn on your blouse" Gavin said as he took the popcorn and put it into his mouth, munching it away. She looked at Gavin, then looked away. "Ew" she thought. Just then, a red Honda drove up by the curb."Our ride is here". The two got into the back seat and were on their way. They were playing The Weepies on the radio and it was Jaime's favourite. It immediately caught her attention and she started humming to the music as they sat. She always had a keen ear for music wherever she goes, be it the restaurant or the shopping malls. "Gosh, I'm so tired I could sleep for a year" she said as she rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, I know, you must be super tired. Get some good sleep after a cold shower and you'll be fine" he said. "Hey, just a curious question though, what made you join the
dating app" Jaime inquired. "Well, it's always boring at work so the boys and I would usually slack at work most of the time so we go online". For a moment, Jaime was puzzled and thought to herself "so he's doing this because he's bored" in her mind and was basically silent not knowing how to react to his response. If she fumed at how they think its okay to swipe on girls just because they need some entertainment, it would definitely create a misunderstanding. Jaime had always been a feminist herself and to think herself as a source of entertainment to men is de-value-ing in fact. "What about you" Gavin asked. "I wanted to meet and get to know new people from different backgrounds because I had no time at all during my partime degree, so I feel like I missed out on social life quite a bit". "How has it been so far" he asked. "Pretty interesting, you're actually the second, the first one was weird and I regretted it big time". "Oh, what happened" he asked curious. "Well, it was amazing at first, we talked over dinner at this incredible back alley burger joint he took me and then we decided to get some ice cream, we really clicked and I thought this was going great until he showed his true colours when he wanted me to head home with him" Jaime sighed as she said. "It's sad actually when guys do this, such a party pooper really when you thought it would work out but in fact they're just jerks" she continued as she played with her gold chain hanging around her neck with her hand. Gavin looked at her and grabbed her hand and held it tightly. He was teasing her hand with little massages. "That's what he did" she thought to herself thinking about her first online date.

       The streets seemed familiar as the taxi took a right turn towards Redhill Lane. Aunt Chow's shop was still lingering with hungry customers craving for her delicious noodles. "Well, thank you for the ride Gavin, had a good time with you tonight" said Jaime as she unlocked her seat belt. "Oh wait Jaime, I'll walk you to your door". "Oh no" she thought. Gavin tipped the taxi driver and as they were walking towards the lift Jaime prayed that her parents were asleep before all hell breaks loose. "Which level you're at Jaime" Gavin asked, his finger ready to click the buttons. "6". Well, it's safer to be a level below from hers, just to play safe. It was extremely silent almost like a deadly night as Jaime glanced over her watch showing thirty minutes past two in the morning. "This is me" she said pointing to the staircase. Gavin leaned on the side walls and pulled her close to him, only this time it felt tighter. Jaime felt a pump of adrenaline running through her veins that she could feel her heart beating rapidly. "Thank you Gavin" she said softly. He was staring right at her eyes and the intensity was too much for Jaime. His lips inched closer to hers every second and Jaime was breaking all sweats. "Should I just do it". Take her 'lip-ginity' away with Gavin right now? Her anxiety heightens as they almost touched when Jaime turned to her left at hugged him. "Not tonight Gavin, I need to know you more, this is just too fast" she said gently to him. Looking confused, he said "Okay then" and smiled. "Good night Jaime". "Nights Gavin, see you around" she waved at him as she walked down the stairs. Gavin walked away. She turned again just to see if he turned back, he didn't. "Perhaps he was mad that I didn't kiss him" she thought.

             Trying not to make any noise, Jaime reached for her keys in her bag. Sliding the key into the slot, she turned it slowly. The squeeky door opened and Jaime saw the landlord's house helper sleeping soundly on the couch. Hoping not to wake both her house landlords sleeping in the next room, she gently closes the door, heading to her room. She turns the door knob only to find that's its locked again. "Mom" she sighed. A locked door know always means that her mom is mad at her and that's bad. By all the forces of nature, she managed to get in with least squeeks. She laid her bags down and opened her cupboard to grab a short and a shirt to change in without waking her dad all sound asleep on the floor. The dark room only made it worse for Jaime to see anything and so she
used her torch light from her phone. A blue shorts and a red oversized tee was all that she had luck for. Without hesitating, she headed to the bathroom. Standing under the warm sprinkling shower, she closed her eyes, freeing her thoughts empty. Two pumps of her makeup remover was enough to remove all her little concealer she had on her face. "That was unexpected" she thought. "A little too romantic perhaps" She reached for her toothbrush " And very touchy" she talked back to her reflection on the mirror. In all honesty, she couldn't stop thinking about the amazing night she had with him. It's been a very long time since she had a good date. 

