Short Story: Chapter 2 Heartbreak


Aunt Rosie was cutting the vegetables and Aunt Mary was giving the curry that's boiling on the stove a good stir before strirring it with some salt. They were talking about cousin Sam, laughing about the old times and reminiscing the time when she kicked a little boy for calling her names at the local daycare behind our house. Kring! The alarm went off and Jaime woke up, quickly reaching for her phone on the opposite table to swith off the alarm before mom wakes up. We all know how a sly sleeper Jaime's mom is, that even the slightest crack of noise could make her stay awake for the entire night. Jaime could feel her sticky drool all over her left chin all the way down to her neck that's still wet. "Man, how long has it been since I drooled in my sleep? Must've been a good sleep! Finally!" thought Jaime as she sat on the bed, half asleep. "Do I really have to go in today?" thought Jaime. "Yeah, What OT am I in today?" as she crawls back to her pillow. "Hmmmmm, oh wait, I'm in breast theatre today. Think I should just go since it's a light theatre and Dr Peter is around and he's nice!" Getting down her bed one step at a time slowly trying hard not to wake her mom up, Jaime headed to the bathrom. "Oh shucks, my phone's gonna die" thought Jaime as she grabbed her phone cable to put her phone to charge. Jaime stood under the hot running shower, staying still as the warm water touches her skin as if they're massaging every nerve of her aching body. Work has been hectic lately with a lot of transplants and overtimes nowadays. Though she longed for at least an extra five minutes in the shower, she had to rush since she's already fifteen minutes behind alarm clock. Quickly changing into her tight blue washed jeans and navy blue blouse, Jaime was deciding whether or not she should give her yesterday washed hair a comb as it always taked hours to tame her frizzy hair, especially when it's just newly washed. "I shall skip the cocnut oil today, I'm performing tonight: she thought as she looked at her reflection on the mirror as she combed her dry knotted hair. As much as she dreads tying up her hair into a ponytail, it's something she had to do to keep her frizzy hair out of the way. Besides, it's going to get sweaty and hot walking all the way to the hospital from the train station as usual since the hospital is 'conveniently 'located at the top of the hill. t takes at least fifteen minutes, if you walk fast that is, to reach the hospital and then another five minutes just to change into scrubs. Grabbing her packed lunch and freshly cut fruits from the fridge, Jaime placed her meals into a plastic bad, threw in a pair of fork and spoon and stuffed them into ther bag. Trying to get at least half the bottle in, she gulped the litre bottle of water down after popping in some omega fish oil capsules. There's usually breakfast on the table. Jaime's mom would usually prepare some every morning befor work. However, since it's an early morning shift, her mom was too tired to wake up because she needed the sleep before heading to the hospital as well. You see, Jaime's mom is a nurse too, the longer serving one, close to 40 years she'd say.  Jaime had always been amazed by her mom, of how strong and courageous she is to leave her family behind in another country and work in a foreign land to take care of her huge family of five siblings, whom were all girls with an odd luck of a boy. Getting her earphones out and reaching for her keys from the side pocket of her bag, Jaime unplugged her phone from the charger and headed for the door. It was a full moon last night and it looked so bright amidst the clear dark sky. The city lights were flickering as the huge public swimming pool reflected the lights back and the cars were stopping to the red light sign. She slid into her confy pair of black nursing shoes and walked down the corridor. Her neighbour was playing the morning prayer on the TV as usual and it smells like sardine sambal this morning. It always smells good every morning just walking pass by her neighbours Jaime pressed the button of the lift at her ninth floor. " Feeling a little under the weather this morning" felt Jaime as she puts on her earphones and looks through her Spotify playlist, clicking on her customized playlist 'Life'. It's always a must to play her favourite songs everyday, it's what actually makes Jaime's daily commute an enjoyable one. She could never live without her earphones and music. There was once her earbuds got spoiled under the rain while heading home from work and Jaime was so saddened that she managed to find the time to head to the nearest shop to get a new set of earpiece, though it was a little over the expensive side.

   It's a busy Monday morning commute as usual as people head on in their own ways to begin the day. There were mostly old, senior citizens sleeping away in the train on their way to work. The song kept playing and 'All I Want' by Kodaline was playing. Staring into blankspace, Jaime's eyes were wet. Tears rolled down her smooth cheeks though she tries her best to stop them. Her hand reached the side of her bag feeling for any tissue paper that might be stuffed but there wasn't any. Silently, Jaime wiped her tears that were rolling down uncontrollably. Feeling embarrased in a train packed with people, she stared at her phone as she pretended to have something in her eyes as she wiped. It's been three weeks since they "broke up" or whatever you may call it, since Jaime herself is confused with this. It has really been a long hard week for her juggling work, gig performances at the bar, updating her blog and talking to her parents amidst this painful heartbreak. All Jamie wishes sometimes is to everything and go far away from all these lifely problems. It's been quite sometime now since she had been feeling happy even. The last time she felt the happiest and laughed was when she was in Nepal for a medical mission trip and it had been few months ever since. A lot has changed since then. She just prefers not tot alk so much about it but its just so hard to  let go. The subway was crowded like how any normal busy Monday morning would as people were rushing, walking fast like human robots. "Does everyone here felt this way before?" thought Jaime.  "I guess they do and they're all surviving life as it comes" she answered herself in her mind. "Having feelings is hwat makes us humans however it is the same thing that make or break us" she thought as she tried to keep up her fast pace of the rapidly moving crowd. Walking up the hill towards the hospital, Jaime remembered how they used to walk this very same pathway together, holding hands and laying on his shoulder, talking and laughing about random things. It hurts. All the memories o them keep flashing by as the tears keep rolling and again Jaime tried to wipe them away. Walking past the 7-11, her stomach growled and she remembered that she hadn't have her breakfast yet. She grabbed two pieces of pau's from the warmer and a packet of Chipsmore cookies from the shelves and headed straight to the counter to pay. "Hey Rita" Jiame greeted. They'd been good friends since Jaime started working at the hospital. The clock shows 6.55am. "Ah shucks" mumbled Jaime as she quickly reached for her staff pass and entered the changing room with her scrubs. Stuffing her bag and clothes into the locker, she had a quick small bites off her pau then headed straight to change into her operating theatre (OT) clogs. "Hey Jaime, you're 7-4 too?" Jaime nodded with a smile. "Where are ya today" asked Sandra, her junior colleague. "Breast" replied Jaime. "You lucky bastard" said Sandra as she hit Jaime's

shoulder. They both ran up the stairs and tapped in their attendance. "Oh man, late by a minute again" they both shrugged as they reached for their face masks. "You must be EOT till 8" Sandra smirked with a cheeky grin. "Shut up San, don't jinx it" Said Jaime as she rolled her eyes. Looking onto the pinboard, Jaime spotted her name and it read 'EOT'. " Haha, see ya on the flipside Jaimes" Sandra giggled as she walks to her assigned operating room. "Story of my life" sighed Jaime. "Why can't Kurt be there instead, he's not gonna be any good at preparing for a liver case anyways" Jaime reasoned at the back of her mind. "Mornin Jaimes" greeted Ray. "Mornin Ray, you're with me!" Jaime said happily as she huged Ray's arm. "Oh man, why am I always in EOT" Ray sighed for a moment. "We're fated man, like match made in heaven" said Jaime with a huge smile. "Ah come one now, it's Sister Martha today, least it's not that bad, everyone knows she has a bit of luck in emergency" Jaime replied. The sun was peeping through the clouds in the sky as they walked passed the tiny window. Walking towards the nurses station at the Emergency Operating Theatre (EOT), she could see Lin assisting in a Lap Cholecystecomy by the see through window on the door. "Long night" Ray asked Mich who's seated sluggishly on the chair. "Oh you have no idea man" she answered. Looking up the whiteboard, there was a exploratory laparotomy, an emergency ceaserean and an arm fracture on going. The board is scribbled with doctors and nurses on call and bits of patients information.
More like the daily scenario only this time it isn't that bad. The worst would be when there's ongoing transplants where even the most peaceful day would be the most busiest one right after. As Jaime hears the passng of report by Sister Kath, she somewhat feels a little sad and she knew just why but refused to let her feelings show and so she tried listening attentively to the report. "I think Jaimes should do the instrument ordering at the store this morning since we're running out of sets for the surgeries this morning" instructed Nurse Jade. "Sure" said Jaime. "Oh, but before that Jaimes, could you please be a dear and check on whether we have eveything ready for the emergency appendicectomy later on" Sister Martha asked. "Oh, of course" Jaime said as she struddled to the preperation room in OT 36. Lin did a pretty good job preparing them in advance so Jaime got few extra things that might be necessary, sinve it's Dr Fin who's going to do it and he might need a certain more instruments a usual. After making sure everything is ready to go, Jaime headed to the store and did her routine instrument ordering. "Need any help Jaimes" Ray walked in with a smile. "Oh you're done with the fracture case in OT 58 already?" asked Jaime. "Yeah, they were doing the final stitches when I walked in. Perfect timing I guess haha" replied Ray. "Well then, here you go. You can start with shelf number seven then" said Jaime as she handed the ordering chit to him. "Cold" teased Ray. Jaime smiled to herself and continued with her work. "Funny how this was the place I was crying my eyes out silently under the mask weeks back and now I'm here again just getting through work as if nothing matters" thought Jaime. All she could do is just take a deep breath and get going with the day. Afterall, there's still 7 hours left till home. "You done there" Ray peeped over her shoulder looking over the paper in her hands. "Yeah, I'll send them to Nurse Pam. Thanks so much Ray" said Jaime with a smile. "Pleasure's all mine, I'll have a venti Cappucino Frappe thank you very much" he said cheekily. Jaime shook her head in annoyance and walked towards the lift. She got down to basement and handed the papers to Nurse Pam. "Hey Jaimes, you okay?" asked Nurse Pam. "Yeah, I'm good, why?" replied Jaime. "Oh nothing, you look down a bit, cheer up sweety" said Nurse Pam being the angel she always is. Jaime smiled back and walked back to the lift. As the door closes and the lift slowly moves up, Jaime leaned back to the wall and closed her eyes for a second wishing all the heaviness that she's feeling away.

The clock striked 8am and Jaime made her way to OT 2 where she'd been assigned to after EOT. It was Dr Trix's case that morning. Jaime pushed in the ultrasound and diathermy machines into the OT and ensured the sets and instruments were all prepared then made her way to check the patient parked on the trolley at the induction room. She was only 25 years old, a little younger than Jaime by a year. "Gosh, I hope she'd be okay" prayed Jaime in her heart. "Are you doing alright there Casey" asked Jaime. "Yeah, just a little cold in here" she replied. "Oh sorry about that, here's an air warmer blanket to keep you cosy" said Jaime as she covered her with the blanket setting up the machine by the side. It was awfully cold in the OT as usual and the healthcare attendant Marty was preparing the operating table and machines for the surgery. "Mornin Jaimes" said Marty with a smile. "Mornin Marty!" replied Jaime. "We have three today right, the major one is the last?" asked Marty. "Yeah, you're right. Dr Trix listed the major one later in the day, he has his clinic to run in the mornin". "And I sure hope this ends early. I've got a date today" said Dr Lee. See, it's normal for the anesthetist to hope for cases to end early. They would seriously go out of their way by all means to try at least and one of the many tricks is by listing the next surgeries scheduled in other available OT's so they could split up and do the surgeries concurrently. Well, not all of them but most of them do it. As Jaime was busy preparing the patent blue dye for injection, Marie walked in. " Hey Jaimes, you're with me today yay!" shrieked Marie. Jaime gave a sweet smile back. "What do we have today" asked Marie as she reached for the list of surgeries scheduled for that day. "Well, least we can still hope it'll end by five" said Marie with her eyebrows raised. The passed by and Jaime missed scrubbed for the major surgery, skipping lunch. It's just one of the many days of lunch-less and dinner-less days at work that Jaime just got so used to ever since she started working there. Not to mention the strong bladder exercises required for such long hour surgeries, no wonder Jaime was diagnosed with urinary tract infection  last year. She could vividly remember the awful pain while she was passing urine after holding it for six hours in a maxillectomy surgery that unfortunate day. It was blood in the toilet bowl, still raw and bright red.

Panicked, Jaime dialled her mom and told about the incident and her mom got terribly worried and instructed her to see the doctor to get some antibiotics. It's a day totally unexpected. The clock striked 3pm and and it was time for the afternoon shift nurses to have their tea break for half an hour. "I'll call Sister Yoke and let her know you hadn't gone for lunch, hopefully she sends someone to take over you so you could claim your lunch hour and get home" explained Marie. Jamie nodded in agreement whilst keeping an eye on the surgery. Her stomach couldn't stop grumbling and her bladder was so full it was at he verge of bursting. All Jaime could do is to focus on the surgery as there were quite a bit of blood loss. Dr Trix managed remove the tumor tissues in the breast and the skin graft from the abdomen is taking so painfully slow. He signalled a thumbs up letting Nurse Marie know je's ready for the microscope to be pushed in soon. Marty pushed in the huge microscope into the OT slowly and steadily making sure to take extra precaution not to hit anything. The OT was a little small and the slightest touch could contaminate the sterile surgical field. This was the last thing anyone wants for it to happen as it would not only delay the surgical time but also increase the infection risk for patient and patient would be also be under anesthesia longer unnecessarily. The microscopic surgery begun and Jaime had to rearrange her sets as new ones were opened. Her trolley was full of bloody gauzes and needles from sutures, just another usual scene in a major case. Judy walked in looking annoyed. "Is it ending soon" she asked Marie. "Honey, pray harder" she replied sarcastically with a raised eyebrow. "Oh man" sighed Judy as she walked towards the scrub room and opened up her gown and gloves onto the clean trolley. Marie was busy passing her report to Amy, the afternoon shift nurse. "Okay, I'm here. Lucky day Jaimes" said Judy with a synical smile. Jaime rolled her eyes in annoyance and smiled through her facemask."You have three specimens out and packed that's put under your trolley, don't forget and also there are two gauzes stuffed into the axilla by Dr Trix, take note. Also, the Debakey forcep fell accidentally, sorry about that" Jaime mentioned.  It was 4pm and just nice for Jaime to unscrub. "Bye Jaime, have a good rest alright" said Marie and Judy. "Bye Jaimes, thanks and sorry for keeping you so long" said Dr Trix. "You're welcome guys"said Jaime in her tired voice. Barely being able to feel her hands that has been under the gloves for five hours due to the cold OT, she warmed up her hands by rubbing them together and blowing into it. She switched on her phone and read through her messages.  At the back of her mind, she hoped for Gavin's texts. Although, she's trying her hard not to. "Nothing" she whispered in her mind as she walks down the stairs towards her locker. "Maybe he has forgotten about me" "I guess he's with someone else now" " Maybe he's just busy with his French class". These were the thoughts ruuning through Jaime's mind. Her heart felt heavy and she had a slight headache. Taking her lunch that Jaime's mom cooked and prepared last night out of her bag, she quickly heated it up and ate. Allthough she was more tired than hungry, she knew she needed the energy to sing tonight at the bar. It would be a set of four songs tonight. She gobbled her food and changed into her jeans and was made her way home.

Standing under the hot shower, Jaime closed her eyes. A sense of calmness came over her as if it was saying it'll be alright. She's still sore from the breakup. It's something she had least expected. All she could do was cry. It was better doing it under the running water as it washes away. She chose to wear a  light green floral dress for tonight's performance. Gavin once said that she should wear something nice while on stage. She even have his red and white Fedora hat that he gave her to wear. She remembers it so vividly that day they went on a hike at McHarrie's reservoir. They planned it the day before and both were excited. It was all great and she loved every minute she spent with Gavin but she was still confused about their relationship. Deep in her heart she knows they're more than just friends and he's the best thing that ever happened to her. She remembers that very day she fell for Gavin at the Art Gallery, when he surprised Jaime. It was Jaime's first public poetry recital after winning third place at the annual poetry competition organized by the local poetry society and Jaime was invited to read her poem out loud amongst other local poets who would be presenting their works. She remembered meeting up Gavin under her near her house few days before her recital and telling Gavin about it. "I will be reading it this Saturday at the National Art Gallery" she said. "What time" Gavin asked. "I could make it anytime except from 3pm till 6pm for my language class , please don't tell me that's when you'll be up" he continued. Jaime smile and nodded, "Ngaww, too bad then, that's the exact time when the recital begins" said Jaime with her hand over his chubby cheeks. However, to Jaime's surprise, Gavin was there. All sweaty and deep breathings, Gavin sneaked into the gallery while Jaime was listening to the other poets with her friend, Brig, by her side. She turned to her side and saw Gavin standing there, panting. Her mouth went wide open covering it with her hands in amazement as she walked towards Gavin and gave him a huge hug. Never in a milion years did she expected for him to be there. Honestly, it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her. Teardrops fell one by one as Jaime stood there in her room holding her dress, staring into the wall. "We could have been something amazing" her mind voiced out. Her desperate tries to stop crying only made it even worse. She misses him ever so dearly. It's just sad how one day you're something great and the next you get back to being strangers. Jaime never really understood that part of life and neither did she understood their relationship. For a few minutes, Jaime laid her head down onto her pillow, crying herself to sleep, hoping to rest her heavy head for a short while, at least then she might get some peace of mind.

           The sound of keys were clinking outside and the front door clicked open. Jaime wakes up and saw her mom walking into the room. "He Jaimes, weren't you saying that you had a gig tonight at the bar. Aren't you going?" asked her mom. Jaime reached for her phone on the table by her bedside and immediately her eyes were wide open in shock, "Oh my God, I'm late!" she shrieked. Getting down the bed, Jaime quickly got herself dressed up and put on her favourite red lipstick. Looking intothe mirror while applying her lipstick, she told herself "it'll be alright". Taking a deep breath she alked out the door. "Bye ma, I'll be late tonight, will call you" as she quickly tries to close the door. Jaime knew this would be a problem. Her coming home late had been a serious issue with her parents. "What time exactly, is it going to be 4 am again" asked Jaime's mom in a stern angry tone. "I'll call you, don't worry will be home by 12" replied Jaime. That's the best she can compromise with for now. Plugging up her earphones, Jaime hoped Gavin would be there, like he did the last time she was at the bar performing. Jaime remembered that day she invited a couple of her friends she'd met from the local NGO that she actively volunteered with to the bar that Monday. They had just returned from a medical mission trip to Nepal a few weeks ago and Jaime thought it would be the perfect time to catch up with the team. It was a fun and vibrant night to sit and laugh along after some time and watching Jaime sing on stage. She was having a good time with her mates and most importantly, she was happy, or at least, she was trying to be. Amidst that, she received a text from Gavin asking where she was. Curious, Jaime replied honestly about her being out with her friends. "Have you left" the text read. Jaime began to feel a little strange and had the peculiar thought that he was there at the bar without her knowing. "I'm at the riverbank by the stairs, Was just out of the bar. Where are you" Jaime replied to him. "I'm at home" it read. Not wanting to fall for that, Jaime replied "Prove it". About few minutes later, Jaime received a picture text of Gavin in his pyjamas holding the pillow in his room. "You have a good time tonight Jaimes" he replied. Jaime was still a little puzzled but didn't want to doubt or think about too much. "Night G. Have a good rest alright" she replied. "Will do. Text me when you're back home okay and stay safe" Gavin replied. She remembers returning homeafter that and texting Gavin to tell him she's home safe. They talked over video call that night and they both stayed up online till Jaime fell asleep. Walking over the pedestrian crossing, Jaime thought at the backof her mind "Why'd you have to go" refusing to cry. Right after that night, Jaime remembered receiving a text from one of her friends working at the bar. "Hay Jaimes. Sorry I couldn't make it for your performance last night, was working" Sandy replied. "Oh, it's okay, will definitely see you next wek no worries"  Jaime replied. "Oh by the way, your boyfriend was there last night, I think he wanted to surprise you by being there at 9pm but I told him he had missed your 7pm show. Such a cutie. He looked a little disappointed " Sandy continued. At that very moment, Jaime remembered how shocked she were. "I was right" she thought to herself. Jaime remembred how Gavin and her teased each other for it and how bad Gavin's acting were. The song All I Ask by Adele started to play through her earphones as she walked down towards the bar. The perfect song with the perfect words that she long to say, but he's not there to hear it.
                    'Cuba Sante' the bar on the left read. Jaime arrived to a not so full bar. Perhaps it was still a little early for bars to get the crowd coming in. It was five minutes past seven and Jaime saw a young girl on the stage singing "A Way Back into Love" by Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett. It was a beautiful song, one of Jaime's favourite songs even. "Her pitching were way off though" thought Jaime as she walked into the bar and finding a seat next to a guy with a guitar. "Hi there, is this seat taken" she asked. "No, go ahead" replied the well groomed, fit guy. "Are you performing later on too" asked Jaime. "Yeah, my slot is about 8.30 pm ,after Jeremy I think" he replied. " Cool. I'm Jessica by the way, nice to meet you". "Hello Jessica. I'm Mark, pleasure to meet you too". The waitress walked towards our table with a huge menu in her hands. "What would you like to have" she asked. "Oh can I have a glass of water please" Jaime asked. "That would be $10 per bottle and since it's 50% off today, it'll be $5" she explained. Jaime was in total shock. "$10 for a bottle of water!" she said. "Give me five minutes, is that alright" Jaime said. The waitress nodded her head and walked away. "Can you believe that, $10 for a bottle of water ,what is it made out of gold or something" Jaime said to Mark. Shrugging his shoulders, he continued looking at the menu. "I'm probably just gonna get a beer" he said. Jaime's stomach started grumbling again. Jaime realised that she's been overspending lately and needed to save some cash before her huge Europe trip this September. Mark signalled the waiter, ready for orders. "Yes sir, what would you like to have" she asked. "A mug of Heineken please" Mark said. Turning her head towards me she asked "And how about you miss". "I would like a coke please". Well, at least the sugar in it would give her a little pump before going up. Looking around, Jamie hoped Gavin would be there. She wished that he would be there to hear her sing once more. It's hard to stop thinking about a certain person who has been in most part of your everyday life. "Next we have our regular for tonight on stage, guys please give it up for our wonderful Jaime" exclaimed Mike on the microphone. Before she went up on stage, she passed her phone to the soundsman, instructing him on the songs to be played on music minus one. She grabbed the Mike and thought of Gavin. After all, the songs were meant for him. The first song Jaime sang was 'Rolling in the Deep' by Adele and the crowd wentwild. It was a tough song but she knew she could do it as the meaning of the song was deep and soulful. Everybody was enjoying the night as she sang on stage and the clap was thunderous. Jaime just smiled and said thank you to the audience after singing songs by Lady Antebellum's 'Need you Now', Sarah Barreiles's 'Lovesong' and finishing her night with Duffy's 'Warwick Avenue'. "Wow, that was great Jaime" said Mark as she sat on her seat beside him, sipping on her cold coke. "Thank you so much Mark, hope I wasn't too loud or shrieky" Jaime replied.. "Oh, not at all. I sent short videos of you singing to some of my friends, look at their replies! They totally loved it!" said Mark as he showed his text message conversation he had with his friends. Jamie just smiled and said "well, I'm glad it was enjoyable".
             The night was filled with awesome vibe as the live music continued playing. There were really good bands and vocalists who wowed the audience and they were having a good time. Jeffrey was one of the funny one who made the floor of audience laugh when he forgotten his lyrics half way through his song and still yet continued to strum his guitar and hum to the music. There was a husband and wife duo performance that Jamie particularly liked as they performed classical rock, full of energy and beautiful melody. Though Jamie liked listening to the music performances that night, she felt a little down and mellow as if it is like a feeling of emptiness. She walked out of the bar and left. Walking pass the other pubs and bars looking at people drinking and having enjoyable conversations, it was as if it was a deaf and mute movie scenes rolling past by her. The night was beautiful as the bright lights vibrantly beamed all across the night life that were happening. Across the river, Jaime watched the boats ferrying tourists over the river as the sky grew darker. She sat down by the riverbank and played her song through her earphones. Staring into the sky, tears rolled down her tired eyes as Tori Kelly's "Was made for Loving You' played in shuffle. She was right there laying on his arms sitting by the riverbank weeks ago when he said those painful words. The pain was unbearable and it still is. The memories of them together kept playing in her mind and all Jamie could do was ask why, seeking answers from the stars. The cold monsoon wind blowed through her long black hair as she pulled in her black sweater tighter to herselftrying to keep warm. "Maybe I should just move on" she thought. She sat there and prayed, for him and for her. If only she could tell how much she missed him every second of the day. Standing right opposite the riverbank  stood the infamous bungee swing and watching it swing as the riders scream reminded of how carefree and happy go lucky kinda girl she was gettiin on that very ride with her friends before she met Gavin. She smiled when she remembered how Erwin was in total shock and puked after they were down from the ride and swearing he would never do that mistake of riding that again. Closing her face with the palms of her hands, Jamie closed her eyes and said to herself "It'll be alright". She had to be, at least for the sake of supporting her brothers education and taking her of her parents. Being the oldest in the family meant holding responsibility and being mindful of what other things that are important. She looked up to the dark night sky and made a wish on a star, hoping with all her heart that it would come true someday and all these pain and misery would go away. She got up, brushed the sand and dust off her dress, got her bag and walked to the trainstation.
             She opened the front door and saw mom and dad siting on the couch watching the international cricket match. "Hello dear, how was gig today" asked Jamie's mom. "It was good" replied Jamie as she walked into the room, flinging her bad acroos the bed. "Have you had dinner" asked Jamie's dad. "Nope, can I eat mom" asked Jamie. Without hesitating, Jamie's mom got up and walked to the kitchen and turned on the stove. She made hot thosai's and chicken curry and it was heavenly.  "Thank you ma" said Jamie as she kissed her mom's cheek.
              It was a normal thing to talk to Gavin before bed every night and it seemed weird going to bed without it. Jamie knew that it would be hard to go through this painful time but she had to do it. She said her prayers, applied some medicated oil over her forehead and went to sleep. Her head felt heavy and her eyes were swollen from crying all day. "Tomorrow's another day and you'll be alright" Jamie thought herself to sleep as the day ends.

By Jessica John Posko 💗
