On the way to Berlin Germany

Well, it's been a fun ride all the way from home  to Europe, Germany. Travelling with Nindy for the first time  I've always wanted to travel with Nin for ages and now its finally happening. She had been to countless awesome places and countries being only a year older than me. In other words, she was sorta my idol when it comes to travelling,being a  backpacker who has travelled solo to awesome places motivates me to see the world too. I love travelling! No doubt!
      Well, my day went well today. Was actually kinda nervous about the 13 hour flight that we would be sitting for on a not so expensive airline but rather the more affordable Scoot. Read some websites and travel blogs on what to bring onboard a long distance flight at work when I had the time. Didn't have Ted compression stockings and bein on the pill means I'm at a higher risk for DVT more so on a long sitting plane journey. Wrote it down onto my notepad in my phone, which is somewhat still goin strong despite the millions of times that I've dropped it. It actually looks like it has been through a lot in life, with a pretty bad crack on the main screen I'm amazed how it still keeps on going :'). They also advised on portable chargers. Damn it, I've always wanted to get one but  the thought of carrying a heavy battery around just wasn't my cup of tea. However, that's the only option left since my phone battery's life is quite short, not that I am complaining about it despite it staying strong with me amidst unforeseen circumstances. So, Portable charger x1 check! And so was medicine, eyemask, memory card. Especially memory card! Well, I've been finding it hard to store my photos and videos  particularly after taking up most space in my ohone with the photos taken from my past medical missions. Been trying Dropbox and Google photos but I dunno, just doesn't seem to work. Plus, my one and only laptop that u bought for my own use is not hijacked by my annoying little brother for his work. So yeah, the more reasons to get one.
      Right after work (well, it was breast surgeries today so it was a little bearable, thank you Lord! ) Got the items I wanted to get at Challenger and I was all set! Got back home, changed my memory card to a new one, downloaded some songs and as I was doin this, mom was yelling from the kitchen to get ready and not to miss the flight. Told her I would have dinner out with my travel buddy Nin before the flight but Nin was shagged out after work and wanted to meet later at the airport so she could take a short nap before leaving. Mom went clueless on what to cook dor dinner for me since its going to be quite a long journey. It was a Friday, so, basically it's "all you can eat is grass today" day. Mom's been vegetarian ON Fridays since forever, and it's a prayer thing that she does for the family. Honestly, I don't really know how she does it. I mean, it's Friday, it's when you're spending the night out with your friends eating and drinking so being vegetarian is a little hard and annoying in finding the food part.
          Wore the Ted stockings I bought from the pharmacy under my thermal leggings. Boy, it was super uncomfortable and I wondered how am I going to survive a 13 hour long sitting flight with those! The thought of it makes me a little squirmish. Mom finally  made some Indian dhall and some vegetables. She fried some nuggets too. The phone rang, it was G. Had to hold him off to savour the food in front of me since I'm not going to have anything after that for a pretty long journey. As usual, mom was worried and kept going on and on about making sure to call her everyday before bed. Besides, she even handed me a rosary for which I refused (kindly)  since I've got no where to out them in my already cramped up 30 litre backpack.
