Poetry: Move Along

                                                                   Move Along

I'm broken inside,
And I have no where to hide,
These hiddeous cries, struggling fight,
Among these thorns I seek refuge and plight,
From being betrayed, rejected and lied,
Still smiling yet my soul had already died,

Slowly, I'm moving on,
A little less mended, more ripped and torn,
Constantly reminding that these nightmare would soon be gone,
Pushing my depressed soul further but all forlorn,
These tight chains are anchored strong bond,
Of which I thought would last but was proved wrong,
As these sorrowful tears pours till the break of dawn,
I've lost to this battle of love that you have unrightfully won,

I was feeling liberated the other day,                       
Just listening to my music, swaying away,
Never felt like this since I was never okay,
No memory of you passed by as I calmly lay,
Neither did I have anything to say,
Rested my tired eyes seeing nothing but grey,
It was serene I wished that free feeling would stay,

It was before sunrise in the morning,
I woke up as my mother laid soundly sleeping,
Somehow I felt that I had to stop my weak heart from aching,
These misery and sadness had long been crawling,
Through my minds' insanity and soul's yearning,
Collecting enough courage I picked the phone not returning,
Typed those words that felt right yet more discerning,

You told me you were lonely and unsteady,
Of your emotions and mind that seemed messy,
Perhaps you needed this to feel more than to see,
Of what I felt when you effortlessly left me,
Out of the blue as if it was ordinary,
Athough I long to hold your hand through your pain now ever so ready,
I suddenly heard those words you uttered of how you never did love me,

Stay away from me,
I ask you nothing, I beg, I plea,
For your words are like venomous bee,
And your heart is as cruel as it can be,
How do you sleep at night so soundly,
When I'm locked inside this depressing home and you hold the key,
Life in me was snatched away without being set free,
All I hear is weeping instead of glee,
Caving in to these mourning, I had nobody,
Dazed and confused drowned in my own thoughts like a detainee,
Yet the sun still shines across the horizon beyond the sea

I wish you well and all that's good,
To be happy and living as free as you could,
Surrounded with joy in abundance more than you should,
Because everyone deserves a life worth living holding on to the root.

By Jessica John Poskođź’—
