Poetry: Momentary Stranger

                                                       MOMENTARY STRANGER

Love of mine,
He walked into the door with his guitar,
Strapped onto his lean tall back so handsomely,
Oh hello there, my mind whispered,
You looked around, but missed me,
Just another pair of eyes waiting here,
Or maybe you did, I don't know,

You stood in front of the band that was playing,
Watching them strum and sing,
So very into the music,
Echoing through the four walls of this cosy bar,
I sipped a glass of beer with awfulness,
Never did liked fermented wheat,
Bitter as the society that we're living in,
Like the leaves on the trees getting along with the change of seasons,
I soon learnt to ignore its bland taste,
Who knows,
You're just another being in this world,
Could be hurt as hell in the past,
Or struggling to survive in this mad race,
Yet, you're standing there,
Breathing in the music so calmly like when the waves hit the shore, 
Swaying to every beat with your eyes closed,
You caught me there,
Hi there beautiful human,
Can I join you too,

I love this music that's playing too,
If only we could break this distant silence,
Just two strangers with the same passion,
Would love to get to know you more,
Please don't shy away my dear,
For this moment may not last a lifetime, 

Hope I didn't scare you,
That's the very last thing I would want to do,
Wondered what you saw that night,
Looking at me from across the bar full of people,
Was I pretty? Did I looked tired?
That's what they say, work got me good,
Please don't judge this skin and its accessories,
I'm more than these dictated signs of a woman,
Come talk to me and I'll open my heart to you,
Its a risk I'm willing to take,
I've lost far too many things in my life,
I've got nothing to loose now but your trust,  
I smiled at you, you did too,
If only I could remove these facade we're all designed to be in,
Surely we'll be great for each other,

Oh my, yes you did, didn't you,
You walked over unexpectedly towards me,
Sorry I was caught with a lady and her story,
The drinks didn't make it better anyways,
Startled to your gentle touch on my shoulders,
I turned around unprepared, guilty,
Was my lipstick still on or did my breath stink of alcohol,
Hi, your pretty little lips uttered,
Looking through the very same pair of eyes that saw you first,
Never thought you would say those words to this stranger siting in front of you,
We shook hands,
Oh God, I just messed this up,
Who shakes hands like it's a bussiness deal,
my sarcasm fell short sadly,
I'm weird like that, forgive me,
You didn't bother did you,
How are you so perfect like this, 

These little things means so much to me,
In case you ever did wonder,
Saw those fair cheeks blush in red,
Your smile never ceased as you talked to me,
It felt powerful,
Yet serene,
Is this what love is?

We sang a song that night, You strummed to every note of my voice,
Never felt so in tuned with what I said,
So far from home, an ocean away,
It felt good as we sang that night,
Cosy as a glass of wine beside a warm fire,
I think they felt it too,
This amazing presence of gentle embrace,
Thank you stranger,
I will remember this, forever,
I was happy

It was thirty past one, I was a little drunk,
I shouldn't have been,
Blowing away the burning cigarette bud behind the kitchen,
I wished I had talked to you more,
I left instead,
Thank God, said thank you to you at least,
You smiled back
I'll never forget that

Maybe someday when these ghosts of my past shall not haunt me,
I might find you again,
And everything will look perfect like it should be,
We'll see where these roads will take us,
And if we ever meet,
I dearly hope my soul is ready to receive of you full,
If heaven and Earth decides,
That they're both are satisfied,
Let it be,
I hope time would teach us love, I'll follow you into the dark,
Still fearful but hopeful,
I'm afraid I might be unsure,
For as far as life took me on its adventures,
I still don't know what love means

By Jessica John Posko ❤️
