Poetry: Father's Words

                                                         Poetry: Father's Words

My father once told me,
Don't trust anyone,
Be innocent yet wise,
Of all the ways of this world,
Don't be foolish to be oblivious,
To the things that matter in life,
As ignorance is easy,
but regret is hard,
it engulfs your soul forever,
like venom seeping into your blood,
as you try to stay alive,
hoping to be saved

I was never an apprehensive child,
My mind was filled with thoughts piled,
and my spirit was always free and wild,
Sometimes, it hurts being me yet I smiled,
Since showing frustrations isn't beguiled,
and anger was and still is defiled,
Born a female, that's how we're profiled,
To look pretty all the time, attractively styled,
Where voices should be soft and touches were mild,

Amidst these atrocity,
I was amazed in all honesty,
At how blinded people conciously be,
Towards you, me and the whole of this sad society,
Consumed by nothing but unrightful autonomy,
Scared to open bare the flesh of your individuality,
or tear down your skin of ego afraid to seek apology,
Where did kindness go among these lies of democracy,
Has it been swept under the rug of fake ideology,
Or forced into the silent dungeon of despondency,
It's been cold out here so far, lately,
Haven't you noticed the disfigured sea,
and the wild burning, already dead tree,
Maybe you're content with a bed that's comfy,
and the food prepared for you, Oh so plenty,
That you're sightless as the homeless hornbill flee,
and the starving baby elephant's death ignored unrightfully,
Perhaps you think "I'm powerless, I'm a nobody"
My friend,
Don't you realize you hold the key,
That opens the doors to a hopeful reality,
So then, why get discouraged by your modesty,
Gather your courage,
You aren't JUST another he or she,
Speak of your heart,
and work the words of your mind with glee,
For someday these Earthly beings can roam free,
and the future of our grandchildren are a guarantee

By Jessica John Posko 💗
