Poetry: Rain


The sky cried again today,
I guess it felt so heavy and gave way,
Storms followed by in March, April and all through May,
Somehow The Sun tried to pierce through its ray,
Yet it was hard so it stayed gloomy and grey,

On the sheets of regret she lay,
Image result for beautiful woman sketchWith nothing much left to say,
So she closed her tired eyes and tried to pray,
God, make this deep sadness go away,
and once again make my days merry and gay,
Touch me with your love and mould me like clay,
Let my soul be healed no more to stray,
Remove this burden, gently allay,
Whisper the angels in my spirit to stay,
With joy and and laughter with me let them play,
Washing away these dark thoughts that once was a prey,
From these fetters of past help me breakway,
I beg, 
I plead, 
Take me away,
Don't leave me here just to exist then only to decay,
Back into ashes again, nothing gained, nothing to pay,

Yet in the stillness of the storm,
The Sun tried to claim its form,
On the hurting skies it shed its warmth,
Little birds sought comfort trying to conform,
As around the pretty flowers the bees swarm,
Such wonder life brings amidst the thorn,
From energy to light they transform,
Why then still my heart should mourn,
When there are million reason why I'm here, 
And why I was born,
Strip me off these masks I've worn,
Despite a part of me that has been burned,
Has been torn,
No more of my being shall I scorn,
With smiles and positivity my soul I'll adorn,
Till I breath my last breath,
From now on.

By Jessica John Posko 💗
