Baby Mommy

                                                                    Little Shanza

Today was a rather fun or shall I say, kinda awesome to call it a day. Morning was a blue as usual for me, just listening my songs in my 5 month old HTC. Boarded bus 74 to the MRT and fortunately got a seat like a usually do for the next 30 minutes to my college. All in all, my journey is quite along one...1 hour 30 minutes.Not bad huh..!  Anyhow,  I put on my fake smile and try to mingle around, and ya know, have fun with my awesome friends. We can't stop enquiring about Azyana. It's been a day after her scheduled delivery. We got to know its a baby girl. I really miss Azy's baby bump...with her huge forever-growing tummy, walking around the corridors of our school! I remember seeing her legs and hands all swelled up and often looking tired. But now she is in NUH, awaiting her new born baby. Bio class was a total BOREDOM. I wonder how people even sit there listening to her lame lecture with her very soft voice and monotonous lecture. For God sake, raise your voice up a little woman! Whatever, 2 hours ended rather slow for everyone. We were sighing in relieve after that. Sat at the North Canteen with ma' girls for lunch. Aishah and I brought home cooked food as usual. She brought sambal ikan and rice. It looked good. I forced myself on the spoon of fried rice mom cooked. I gotta admit, mom is the BEST cook I ever known, but try eating the same old thing for a month! My mouth is so DRY!  There is a very good but a heart-breaking reason for this. It's really hard for me to put it in words, let alone saying it!

Each time I open my meal box, my girls would totally say that I'm lucky to have a caring mother like mom. TRUE. Very true. I <3 her So much! But, my life seems like nothing but a blunt-painful soul. We were talking about Azy again. Kezia was busy planning what to buy for little Shanza. I asked Shashi about whether is she going to visit Azy today. I was shocked to hear her say Yes. She's telling me the last minute! OMG! What am I gonna give her. Mom called just at the right time. Explained to her about the situation, asked her to hand me some money and she said it's too expensive over here and she told me she will buy a better one from our hometown. So, I couldn't argue with her. She was a right. So, I asked if I could hitch along for the visit. It wasn't a problem though. Shashi has her group meeting at 2 to 4.

 So I asked her to meet me at the A&E entrance to NUH. I can't stop thinking about what to buy and how to react as soon as am with Azy. I'm sure there would be some of her relatives over there with her. Besides, it has only been a day from her  delivery. Finally, class ended at 3. I got on the train and headed back home. It has been raining cats and dogs the whole day. My sandals were soaked to the max. I reached home and cleaned myself up. I texted Shashi to ask her if she had left school. She said she was a station away from the hospital. I hurried myself to the hospital making sure I wouldn't be late. They were there already waiting for me at Mr. Bean's. We caught up and headed to Ward 96, Gynae. We were lost at the lift, an old Indian guy, who I think is probably a cleaner or somewhat, saw us stranded and asked where are we heading to. We told him and he asked us to hop in the lift that he'll show the way. We stopped at the 9th level and he got out showing us the way to the ward. We thanked him and headed to the direction. We walked pass a food court on our right and wondered how we never did stumble upon this canteen during our clinical attachment. We headed straight towards another lift that led us to the 9th level. We were quite anxious to meet Azy and litle Shanza. Finally, we got there. Jet Chi opened the door and it was a comfy room neat and cosy. Straight form where I came in, I saw a woman holding a baby in her hand. There was another older woman sitting on the chair in  front of the bed whom I probably think is Azy's mom.  At the end of the sofa, I saw a young man probably in his 20's with a broad smile on his face greeting us. This is probably her husband. I saw Azy lying down looking exhausted and worn-out. We greeted her and Jet Chi handed over a bag of gifts to Azy. The woman got up and showed me the baby. I froze when I looked at little Shanza. It literally reminded me of the time when Sammy was born. The woman wanted to hand the child over to me. I freaked out and refused to carry afraid something miht go wrong
