Poetry: Aunt Rosy

                                                              Aunt Rosy

She stood there by the wall,
Wearing her graceful smile,
Like she usually do,
Lips coloured with the brightest red,
Subtly highlighting her sweet mole by her cheek,
Her thin sedulous body,
Clad in a dazzling silver suit,
She was happy,

Across the sea they made their way,
A family of six from a country far away,
Pain and sorrowful were their days,
Yet merciful was the Lord,
Their prayers He heard them say,
Growing up without a father beside to stay,
In a world so cruel and grey,
She took the stride working her childhood away,
Washing down her dreams, a cooley all astray,
Yet still,
She contently wore her smile, merry and gay,

None of these was ever easy,
Neither for her nor for me,
As I watched her walk towards the door gradually,
Time moved Oh so slowly, 
I felt her embrace ever vividly,
Her last hug she gave just too briefly,
Dear time,
Can I go back and visit you again,
Promise I'd stay with you till the end,
Just to say my goodbyes a little longer,

A sea of tears welled up in my eyes,
In case you ever wondered or ever realized,
Perhaps it was joy in utter disguise,
That finally you're set for a future you've only fantasized,
I will miss you, I still do,
Wish I could keep you with me to every sunrise,
And laugh with you each day under the bright blue skies,
How silly of me to think of that,
When a land of possibilities in front of you they lie,

I remembered you staring back,
As I laid in tears beside you that fateful day,
I remembered your warm hands,
Gently stroking my long black hair away,
Did I tell you how thankful I was that night,
That you were there for me when I was in dismay,
Like the calm breeze,
Your voice comforted this despaired soul

It's been many years now,
Hope you're doing well over there,
In the land of the Giant causeways,
I wish all that is good for you,
And may you find love,
From the one who's deserving of you,
Forever in my prayers I'll keep you,
Ever so closely,
Till we meet again,
My dear Aunt Rosy

By Jessica John Poskođź’—
