Poetry: Hopeful Warrior

                                                              Hopeful Warrior

I stared back at those big doe eyes,
Never realized she had such beautiful ones,
They looked calm as the endless blue skies,
Filled with dreams, hope and wants,
Bright shiny rays of the morning sunrise,
Pierced through the curtain runs,
Gently kissing her skin,
Upon where she lies,

Salty tears ran down her cheek,
"Isn't it a lovely sunny day outside"
She said as out the window she peaked,
Mango leaves that were once green,
Now all dried,
On the ground they laid,
Amongst the broken twigs,

The Gods must be crazy, I thought,
Leaving an innocent soul through this pain,
Robbing her precious time that can't be bought,
Colouring this life dark and plain,
In her own sorrow,
It was solace she sought,
Yearning for a rainbow through the rain,
Holding on to her dreams,
For they will not go in vain,

Cold midnight breeze of the day's end,
Gusted through the curtains on its wend,
The bright little flames flicker and contend, 
From the strong flurry wind,
It tries to fend,
How valiant the lit candle stand,
Abundant were the medications,
So were her hopes amidst her operations,
She held onto her dreams more so to patience,
For this life's unbounded to any limitations,
These fetters of fear were mere power of resilience,
That vividly paints a picture of her colourful ambitions,

Drugs and needles kept her company,
When the silence in the room was deafening,
And the hands of the clock were unforgiving,
Music to her ears she whispered, "How lucky",
As she slid her bruised fingers through her hair,
Soft black strands nested on her shoulders,
Only a sight she couldn't seem to bear,
Gush of anger resonated between the four walls,
Battling her demons,
She screams this ache away,
Feeling helpless as ever in this room so grey,
Lost in her words
There was nothing much left to say

Years passed
Scars left heal,
Bold and brave, she strutted down the street,
With mind strong as steal,
Soul blissful still an unbroken seal,
Countless are the blessings,
Everything joyful she could ever feel,
Just like little chicklings hatching out of its shell,
She took a deep breath of this new story to tell,
All is well.

For my dearest friend Azlina 🌻

By Jessica John Posko 💗
