Poetry: Naked as We Came

                                                     Naked as we came

Wonder what the stars whisper at night,
Would they be in awe of the Earthly beings,
Or would they laugh at all the atrocities, 
The leaves of May withered delicately,
Onto the rich wet soil of life's harbour,
Tiny drops of moisture,

Teared from the heavy clouds above,
Not many are blessed my dear,
With this heavenly gift of survival,
Yet many abuses its light,
For one's own selfish thoughts,
And ignorant conscience beyond repair,
Thus sorrow then still fully lingers,
Mourning the wraths of corrupt men,
While the feeble voices silently whisper,
Along the sides of despicable aftermath,
'Hope still persist my friend',

The sound of the doctors’ footsteps nearing,
Is as intimidating as a swarm of bees,
“Wonder what they are going to say today”,
A little voice softly echoed in her ear,
Will there be more painful appointments,
Or will it be a ‘discharged home’ instead,
These days will get better than yesterday,
Dear Lord! She threw her hands up and prayed,
With energy so scarce,
She gathered pieces of herself together,
Looking up through her sheets towards the door,
Holding her cold dainty fingers in mine,
I could feel her bold brave heart beating.

Time on Earth is as sweet and poignant,
As the honey from the saffron threads,
Of the precious vivid crimson Crocus,
On a midsummer's day,
Isn't it beautiful,
This version of thoughts about life,
Reflecting the good on my mirror,
Makes it easier,
Doesn't it,
Pondering towards one's destiny,
Than regrets and empty history,
Somehow warms this soul,
That's strolling through the years,
Naked as we came

By Jessica John Poskođź’—
