Poetry: He'll be Fine

He'll be Fine

i'm scared love
will you be alright there?
will you get enough sleep from the draining shifts?
don't usually sleep well do you,
i'll sing you a lullaby,
grazing my fingers through your hair
imagining you on my lap
the phone is always by your side
a call away
will you have enough to eat?
you'll need strength fighting this battle
i'll cook for you, something healthy, a salad maybe
oh wait,
i'm not allowed to see you either isn't
God! I hate this

please be careful,
i know you will, well, i think i'll have to just keep saying it,
he'll be fine, he'll be fine
perhaps this would keep me sane
till you comeback into my arms
my heart is worried love,
something i wish i can show you
how it bleeds through this flesh
bare to my frail bones

i'm playing the radio, blaring,
picking up every hope from words
wherever i can
echoes through my brain
u maniac!
gosh i wish i could kiss you right now

i'm trying love, this isn't easy
my hands are up begging, voice as loud as the raging thunders,
i hope the Gods hear me,
as i resound this prayers
chanting over and over for you
safe and sound
i've asked the angels to spread their wings over you
and the Holy spirit to guide your steps
as you serve with your comforting hands
know I'm here for you,
till then i'll just repeat with the memory of you on my lips,
he'll be fine

By Jessica John Poskođź’—
