Poetry: I can Never

 I Can Never

                                                     AllLivesMatter, Black Lives Matter — MR. CAM

i can never see myself as a low,
suppressed by capitalism and power
power that fell into the hands of greed
how sad
my lips are stitched with threads of fear
my ears are deaf to the cries of my rights
and my eyes are blind to the lump of hard earned wage
that you took under that table
just so i can to education within reach 
i can never

allow my sons and daughters
walk on these path of injustice 
we've ignorantly left behind
of these God gifted pigments on my skin
oh foolish men
your stomach goes hungry without food
the same way mine does
you yearn for air to keep you alive
the same way i do 
and your heart beats 
to the rhythm of life
the same way mine does
so then tell me
how am i different 
i can never

i am tired of these tears
and painful loss to propriety
that i don't deserve
are we not made in the same image 
likeness of Him
my dear favoured friend  
I can never

By Jessica John Posko


