Poetry: Fullness of Time

                              Fullness of Time

Flowers Background Wallpapers White 35+ Trendy Ideas #flowers ...

it always seems too long
the seeds seeking shelter in my soils
watered and nourished
of everything rich 
to be awakened beyond horizon
a headway on my rocky roads
across towering mountains
and lasting rivers of life
just so 
plucking luck onto my hands
taste the sweet tangerines on my dry tongue
fruits of my toil

i know
the windows of my past 
i shan't lock
but break
into fragments of history
so what's left then 
are pieces too small for this naked eye
too minute 
that this overbearing mind could ignore
so much that it forces this being
to an adventure in the fullness of time 

By Jessica John Posko  - J.J Posko 

Instagran: @poetrychips
