Poetry: Gone


Drawing flower girl by Artbomb879.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt ...

Sunshines and rainbows
At my doorsteps
Each time I think of you
Something peaceful about you
That makes me hope
God knows what this is
I know 
a mess
it's easy to say
a dust of sugar, a spoon full of caffeine
coffee, strong
just a confused shot cup of one
never could this heart hurt you
it's already broken, torn and tired
these voices in my head are, at least,
eyes that are yet to rest at night
more so the mind itself
talking over and over and over again
i think
a lot
they'll sleep, only when they've said too much
that salty tears rolls down pacifying
there there
it sings me a lullaby
then strangles my throat 
panting, it says,
it's you, all because of you
these fingers reache for a weapon
against myself
i couldn't
wouldn't it be better if I was just


By Jessica John Posko - J.J. Posko

Instagram: @poetrychips
