Poetry: Winds of June

                        Winds of June

was strolling past the fields the other day
soft bright dandelions greeted me
as the they brushed against my skin
gentle breeze of June caressed my tresses
stroking my soul in comfort
shrivelled leaves of the rain tree
drifted along with the sand of time
I sat there for a moment
on that green pasture 
enjoying the company of my own
emptying all out
because I needed that
to be one with my inner child
safe haven for my soul to linger

i prayed today
please don't judge this lost mortal heart
I've cried far too much in this time on Earth
blood stained every rock and grass on my way
And drowned
hope! I've found 
from the depths of despair
though your roads aren't paved the same
you have your scars and I have mine
we both hurt
fair shares of joy despite sorrow that follows
Lived on, didn't we

In the flesh

By Jessica John Posko (J.J. Posko)

Instagram: @poetrychips
