Poetry: Painted Mornings

Painted Mornings

rainbow painted canvas
stared blankly back through the air
across the wall facing the rays
piercing through the kitchen window
moody breeze sighed in frustration
tar pavements bubble in heat 
the purple mynah visited again
chirped its way for breakfast
crumbs rolled down 
both corners of my mouth
27 and still counting
till this body is one with Earth
Earth that has only been giving
watering souls found
and lost like mine

i've never had a dog
ideas of pet were ignored
in this house 
where drama and denial thrives
i find silence at the corners
of the bedroom sometimes
reminding me to wake up
to hear with my eyes
sing with my mind
it catches up with us somehow
a reason for a life gifted
is only worth searching for
even it takes decades pass my departure

there again
across the wall facing the rays
piercing through the kitchen window
moody breeze sighed in frustration
as i played scenes of hereafter
looking at rainbow painted canvas
staring blankly back through the air

packed up bag
another day for work

By Jessica John Posko - J.J.Posko

Instagram: @poetrychips
