Poetry: September's Song

   September's Song

oh sweet ache of my bosom, 

why do you mourn

the wounded skies still gives

a voice to beaten souls

glimpse of tomorrow

to unmoored existence

while shedding tears of moisture

landing each drop onto the fresh leaves

of September's song

empty cans of rain water 

laid astray by the pathway i walked

along the subway

where men find solace 

eating air made of tobacco

seeking warmth in every lighted puff

instead of their empty hearts

fully know it pulls closer to grave

shhhh, don't say more

your mind may be clear

and thoughts unclouded

but my dear

this is the existence neither you nor I chose

turn away now from distorted fury

or only songs of woe will be sung

on your final hours of subsistence

let them go

let yourself go

By Jessica John Posko 💗 J.J. Posko

Instgram: @poetrychips

