Poetry: Too Loud

                           Too Loud

I stare out, far, 
Into the night
Hanging by the moment 
"Be careful what you wish for"
The stars whispered
As my eyes closed 
For a splint of a second
I'm living for the only thing I know
There's nothing else to find
Starving for truth 
Closer to you
Falling deeper in love 
My soul feels glad today
I pray that you're the one
I build my humble abode with
Can I stay in your beating heart
Promise I'd keep you mine 
to endless moons and chilled Wine
The dawn is breaking
A light steals through the creaks
Sometimes even the wrong word
Seems so right
I'm close behind now
To thousand more miles 
Rolling in time

hold me 

By Jessica John Posko ❤️

Instagram: @poetrychips
