Poetry: Courage in Imperfections

Courage in Imperfections

i never understood,
 how one 
stow others into traits
in the way they talked
laugh or display fury
another ornament of society
there's no denial
that this soul earnestly tried
for many moons and Suns, still
lost among loud whispers
inside the corners of this mind
breathing "maybe's" and "I think I am's"
confused more than yesterday
for when this mouth responds
and this body conducts
it's either fun or weird
crazy or foolish
ruffled among dried leaves
of seasons that moulded this being
along the way

and now I sigh
perhaps, all those days
of searching 
were scarce remembrance
that this being is as it was 
meant to live
with rainbows over these shoulders
and fairy dust over this heavy head
humanly lost
finding itself
yet content with the carved road
from humble beginnings 
to promising ends
lead by clouds of courage
cajoling beauty in the river 
where my tears met

cheers to the coming days
celebrating all
that was broken
risks dared and taken
and bridges burnt for good

these imperfections colours the walls 
of my fortress within my heart 
a living existence
standing today

By Jessica John Posko
Instagram: @poetrychips
