Poetry: Mourning Ocean

              Poetry: Mourning Ocean

Dear woeful heart
I heard the sad song you hummed
Beneath the deep well 
Where my oceans of sorrow lay
Does the freezing wind 
Of love
Make your eyes tear?
Or does the flying fleece 
From the torn blanket of trust 
U seek comfort under
Irritates your vision?
Perhaps it is the fear,
Fear of denial
Albeit time fleets by swiftly
While you stand with your heart
In your hands,
Looking up to the skies
Scorching Sun 
burns the skin of your feet
The rulers up above
Stares back
Shakes the peace of your spirit
Doesn't it

No, just no!
Voices, they scream in agony
By the corners of this mind
"Forgive this sinful soul" 
Oh God of heaven
I've given too much
Nothing have I left with
Now to gift you
The long arduous days
When you walked with me
Never will I forget
My children, my own flesh and blood,
I wish you'd walk with them too
When their days are trying
And mountains are too high for them
To climb upon
Send my Holy Spirit by their side
For I cry unto you 
Dear virgin Mary, Mother of God!
Hear this mortals' prayers
The waves of this mournful ocean
These tears made
Begs for your mercy
It's too difficult
For these two shoulders to bear
Afterlife of which I'm weary 

Carry me into your arms 
And wipe away this misery
For you 
For love

By Jessica John Posko
Instagram : @poetrychips
