Poetry: Jaan


your calm answers

to my silly questions

over guilty late night pleasures

and long drives under the


I hope you don't mind 

that these words sings 

all my love to you

my darling bearded Jaan

you are 29 today, 

and as I'm sitting here, 

reading my loving words to you, 

I'm actually secretly planning my ways to tickle you

you're too strong for me and you know that don't you,

This partnership 

Has taught us loads of things 

That love doesn't need to be perfect

 but it just needs to be true 

That if we want to see the rainbow 

We'll have to learn to like the rain 

That we'll have to find our similarities 

And respect our differences 

The most important thing in communication 

Is hearing what isn't said 

Here's to our courage to trust in the streets of love again 

constantly under construction 

To live simply, 

love generously, 

care deeply, 

speak kindly, 

leaving the rest to God,

two souls, ready to sacrifice anything for each other



By me, 

And I promise I'll hold you in my heart

In trying times and in our laughters 

My dear best friend 

i always will remember that fateful day, 

when our eyes first met, 

funny that I'm blessed now,

to stare into them forever,

you smiled, we talked then parted ways

but you somehow slid back

into my messages

and then into my life

with that Masala tea

and all the talks about garlic

how awesome was that!

never thought i'd feel so complete

with an annoying human

and his cheeky surprises

so thank you

for coming into this world, 

as the wonderful man as you are and more, 

the depths of my heart and soul

sprinkles on you gallons of lucky fairy dust in your endeavors, 

infinite blessings from all the Gods above, to guide you in every decision, 

gigawatts of brilliant lights to shine your stairs up into your bright future, 

million kilohertz of laughters from now on as we smile and be merry,

bucket loads of kisses from my lips to yours, 

gigantic tight bear hugs for your athma

and a soft whisper into your ears saying, 

"Let's have some Mala honey"

I love you to the ends of the world Anandveer Singh Chowhan

By Jessica John Posko

Instagram: @poetrychips
