Poetry: Stillness


Even when the soul departs
Memories they live
Thriving on the flowers by the garden
The skin of the wooden chair once sat on
Walls where fingers grazed upon
Floors once the feet walked on
It is still breathing
Beyond non-existence
Into embodiment of another being

It flows 
In the rivers of our veins
Pass the corners of our recollections
Vivid as the burning urn 
Over the sleeping body
Bid farewell we shall not
For the earth, wind, the fire, 
water and the ether
Brings comfort in the stillness of our tears

Beautiful isn't 
That even in death, there's life

By Jessica John Posko ❤️ J.J.Posko

Instagram: @poetrychips


  1. I like reading your poetry, please dont stop. Its beautiful 🥰


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