Poetry: Earth and Me

                           Earth and Me

The ironic colours of my sky
Paints new experiences
At the birth of each new day
Welcoming another soul in one
And bidding farewell in the next 
Living by the sweetness of life
Then mourning by the deathbed
Unspoken rage accompanied
With the song of contentment
Instruments of many 
Answers sought
Beneath realms of the past,
Present and future seemed strange
Perhaps fear caught up 
Through these mortal veins 
And flesh of humanity
Let it , let it be
The trees above my shoulders withered 
One by one
Soles of my feet felt the calmness
The fresh wet soil
that the monsoon brought
My knees felt numb for a moment
From its chilling comfort
Weight of my body touched the Earth
All at once
Gratitude filled my heart

Reminding me 
I am still here

By Jessica John Posko ❤️ J.J. Posko
Instagram : @poetrychips
