Poetry: Night Roads

                           Nights roads 

Lights along the tunnel
They glistened in the dark
Shedding it's warmth 
Amidst the cold moonless sky
As I trailed on the black tarred road
Making my way home
The colour red 
halted my journey for a moment

I sat pondering 
To the tune the radio's playing
It fills my head
With music instead of words
Oh, comfort
There's been too much of it lately
that I sometimes wonder
drifted a far have I?
Just when I thought I did
My shadows, 
met souls of another
Speaking nothing of loss
But of new memories 
yet to be made
Across the lines of my existence
And departure

With love and light 
Shall your cup of life be filled
It hails

All the love 
and all the light
Beneath the stars thereafter 

By Jessica John Posko
Instagram: @poetrychips
