Poetry: Hold On

    Hold On

Hello January, 

I've missed you

How nice of you

to welcome my soul

with sprinkles from heaven

cold droplets, they awakened my being

and washed away yesterday's pain

content and forgiving

you call me to be

in my uphill terrain

A lot is about to happen

by the three hundreth and sixty fifth hour of light 

the cup of life overflows

as heaps of sweet love

and a hundred spoonful of adventures

awaits my heart to welcome

but alas, 

some days, 

they engulf me with fear,

Am I ready?

to greet change with all my love,

or to give all my love at all?

and worst of all, compromise?

I'm scared,

If there shall be a day, 

where I'll need to throw away parts of my being 

into the wilderness of kinship

kindred spirits are we?

Yes, you are to me

and I hope I am to you

For God paved a path to your doorstep

Therefore I should, 

No, I must!

Embrace this gift with gratitude

for destiny brought love to my doorstep,

for a reason, 

a reason so beautiful 

for you and me to explore

So now dear January, 

keep our loved ones forever close by our sides, 

whisper words of hope and love in our ears, 

and shine the mighty Sun,

 on our heavy hearts in our stormy days, 

I shall let go now, 

surrender all up to your desire, 

so you too, 

hold on me!

By Jessica John Posko 💓J.J.Posko
