Poetry: Compromise

 it was just a few glasses

he said

been a long week

i thought we talked about this

yeah, i know

don't worry, it won't happen again

she slept with her eyes open

soul broken

heavy river of tears

rained down a stormy night

do it for the children

her heart heard

what her ears refuse to

my oh my

sinking spiral of the universe      

calling out her name


is this worth a lifetime

but can i? she whispered

the war outside is too loud

for a meek like me


fear not by any means


hold on to it, tight grips now

sweet Mother of angels,

bring hope to this frail bones

how then

can one compromise?

is it not life but once?

why should it then be compromised?

my dreams they bear no answer

nor my living days taught me better

for life is painted short

then with my packed bags i shall leave

never to compromise again

By Jessica John Posko
