Poetry: The Fields

                              The fields

And the Bible said,
For though I am absent in body, 
yet I am with you in spirit, 
Miles down the horizon
You're there, I'm here 
The skies blessed
What we have
I've been told
To follow the rainbow
We'll hold on tight
Over troubled bridges
And thunderous heavens
Won't we?

It'll work itself out
And we'll both head home
Through the fields
Where our clouds
Of chatters were shared
Laughter lingered 

Footprints over the Earth
That fed us childhood
Will not fade 
Even with fleeting time
Neither will our hope
to run through the fields again
Like we did 
When we were young
My reflections 
reminds me of you

Promise I'll hold you 
with these palms
And everything beautiful
In our coming pages 
My dear baby brother 

Love you Jonas John Posko❤️
(Miss singing with you 🌻)

By Jessica John Posko ❤️
Instagram: @poetrychips


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